Chapter 14

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I shake my head at him and press my lips tightly together in anger. I refuse to get mad, I will not get mad. I repeat to myself over and over agin as Carson just stairs up at me with a innocent smile on his face.

"So you broke into my house." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"No-" Carson starts to deny and Nolan pulls a headphone out of his ear.

"God Carson just shut the fuck up, Grace we broke in, just for fucks sake leave each other alone. I can hear you and my music's completely up." Nolan says annoyed, standing up he jumps onto my bed backwards to lay down.

"No we-" Carson starts to deny agin

"Carson shut the fuck up," Nolan says staring down at his phone. I stand up and grab a pair of clothes to take a shower. I leave my room not really caring that they're in my room.

"Babe, where are you going?" Carson asks

"I'm taking a shower, don't leave my room unless you're actually leaving my house." I say opening the door to my bathroom.

"I'll try not to kill Carson." Nolan says still looking down at his phone. Carson has a look of fake horror on his face.

"It's fine if you do just don't get blood on my sheets," I say hoping Nolan was joking.

Once I finish my shower and have changed into my comfortable clothes I walk out of my bathroom and into my room. I don't find Carson and Nolan in my room, I really hope they left and aren't just wondering through my house. I sit on my bed and grab my remote off of my night stand. I turn on the TV and the news comes up.

"Silver, Green Smash, and Black Fist were seen a second time today this after noon in a ally fighting with Safety. Silver and his crew pulled many innocent people into this fight leaving four injured. Here's one of the witnesses now," The reporter says and the screen changes to a boy around my age that I've never seen before.

"They grabbed me out of nowhere, and all I remember is blurs of red, silver, green and black." The guy raises up his casted arm "One of them broke my arm, I don't know which one but whoever it was needs to pay." The boy says and his voice fades out and it is brought back to the reporter.

"Silver may have saved few lives earlier today but he changed back to himself within few hours, But like they say once-" I turn the TV off not wanting to hear it anymore. What if Silver actually hurt those people? He couldn't of... I haven't known him for that long but he couldn't of purposely hurt those people, could he? I run this thought over my mind agin and agin until my head starts to hurt with a oncoming headache. I just sit on my bed with my drenched hair dripping down the back of my shirt. They couldn't of hurt those people without a reason, they aren't bad people in my opinion.

I get up from my bed and walk down stairs into the living room to see if my friends are still here. Surprisingly they are in the same position and I left them in many hours ago. Lily's still on her phone with a bored look on her face, Sam and Owen still have Xbox controllers in there hands staring at the TV shouting curses of failure.

"You came to save me!!" Lily shouts looking up from her phone.

"You left me here bored for like ever! You don't do that to best friends, you just don't!" Lily through a pillow that's on the couch and successfully hits me in the face.

"Owe! Friends don't hit friends with brick pillows either!" I whine back at her rubbing my face that's in a lot of pain and sit on the couch on the side farthest away from her. The throw pillow she through at me isn't one of those normal soft ones it felt like a ton of bricks hitting my face all at once. My step dad walks into the living room and grabs another Xbox controller.

"Have room for one more?" He asks smiling but there was no point of him asking my friends love Gary (her step dad) like he was there own father.

"I call Gare- bear! Gary your on my team!" Sam shouts still looking at the screen, Gary shrugs and sits down on the floor next to Sam.

"That's not fair! Grace tell Sam that Gary's on my team." Owen complains bringing me into there argument.

"I have no idea what your fighting about and I don't want to know." I say shrugging

"Fine, I'm not on either of your teams I'll be on my own and I know you know I will beat both of you." Gary says ending the disagreement.

"Grace, can you go grab me something to drink." Gary asks me sweetly signing into whatever game they're playing.

"What do you want?" I ask standing up

"Surprise me," Gary says waving me off

"Get me something to drink!" Owen demands as I'm turning around to go into the kitchen.

"No," I reply

"Why not?" he whines like a two year old that didn't get what he wanted.

"Because, she loves me more." My step dad says dramatically cutting into the conversation.

"It's the truth Owen, I love my dad more than you." I say and leave the room not waiting to hear their response. I grab my step- dad a cup of Dr. Pepper and myself one as well. I walk back into the living room and give my dad his cup while taking a sip of mine. I take my seat back on the couch and hand my cup to Sam so she can have some.

"Hey give me that," Owen says reaching out towards the cup in Sam's hand still looking at the screen. Instead of grabbing the cup he dumps it onto her face. She closes her eyes and wipes them with her hands but when she opens them the look on her face could murder.
This Chapter is dedicated to...


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-Your Geek,

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