Chapter 35

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It's been two days since Silver and I became official, he's taking me to their base today. He didn't tell me what for but, I suspect that it has something to do with Safety. Silver grabs my hand and leads me down stairs, my parents know that he's here now since he came in through the front door. It would be suspicious if I just disappeared.

"Mom," I call out

"In the kitchen," She says

"I'm going out," I tell her

"Be back before dinner, love you." She says.

"Love you too," I tell her as we leave. We walk over to the side of the house and Silver pulls me close. I close my eyes on instinct, silver starts to dance across my eyelids. When it disappears, I open them. We are now in the apartment with all of the guys attention on us. Ian holds a thin bracelet in his hand, he leans forward and puts it on my wrist.

"This connects you with Silver where ever you go. If you need him for anything or are in danger, he will appear near you, all you have to do is press this button." Ian tells me, showing me a small button that I never noticed before.

"If Silver can't get to you for some reason, then one of us will be notified and will come." He says with something in his voice, backing away from me. I nod and pull my arm back. Silver and I take a seat on the couch.

"Grace, can you go to my room in the back for a minute? I need to talk to them." Silver asks me kissing my cheek, I get up and walk to his room in the back. I really want to listen in but I know it wouldn't be the right thing to do.

Silver's P.O.V

I listen as Grace shuts my door behind herself. When I'm completely sure she's not listening in on us, I start.

"I have to know, she'll be safe." I start to tell them putting my head in my hands.

"I can't leave her, I won't." I say truthfully.

"Then don't," Nolan says angrily

"You know I can't, not until I know she's safe." I tell him frustrated, if I leave she can still have a life. She can have a guy that can give her what I can't, a normal relationship.

"You can!" He screams at me and I look up at him.

"You don't have to leave! Don't you understand?! We don't run, we fight!" Carson joins in yelling at me.

"Maybe it's time to give up the fight," I tell them

"It's never the time to give up the fight," Ian tells me.

"If you really love Grace, you won't leave." Nolan says and I'm torn.

"If you leave, It will crush her." Nolan continues.

"If I stay she will end up hurt," I tell them, my eyes starting to burn.

"She's going to end up hurt one way, if you leave she'll just be vulnerable to Safety." Ian says making a point.

"If your leaving, you have to tell her." Nolan tells me.

"I will," I say not really wanting to tell her, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't. I walk out of the living room into my room frustrated and confused. I find Grace laying on the bed, doing something on her phone. I collapse onto the bed with one arm around her small waist.

"Grace..." I start to tell her that I'm leaving but I can't go through with it. She hums in reply but I don't have enough guys to say anything else. I can't ruin the time I have left with her. I don't want her to hate me. I love her.

I've already made my Mom leave town, she has a new identity. Safety shouldn't be able to find her. I had taken her to her new house where she already had a new job. She didn't want to leave me here but, I knew she couldn't stay. When I leave I won't have any contact with my Mom or Grace.

"What's wrong?" Grace asks me breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing," I simply lie.

"Your lying," She says messing with my short hair. I don't answer her instead I hug her tight around her waist. I want to forget that I'm going to leave, I want to stay here forever with her.


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-Your Geek,

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