Chapter 6

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When the door opens we find a topless Nick and a friend of ours, Paisley, with Nick's shirt on. Lily was the first to break everyone out of their shock. Slapping Nick in the face, leaving a red handprint.

Sam starts to pull me away from the house but I stand my ground. I might of came here to break up with him, but him cheating on me still hurts. He's my first boyfriend after all so it only makes sense.

"It's not what you think Grace! I swear!" Nick tells me but how could it not be what it looks like?

"Then what is it?" A tear slips down my face and my throat hurts from holding back a sob. After a moment of silence, I realize he's not going to to say anything. I guess part of me wished he had a reasonable answer and we could sort things out, but most of the time that's not how life works out.

"That's what I thought, It's over Nick." Sam takes me back to the truck and I sit in the back with her. The tears that are streaming down my face feel everlasting. Sam pulls me into her embrace and I cry harder.

"Babe it's all going to be fine." I just nod into her shoulder. "On the bright side you'll have more time to hang out with us" I can tell she's trying so hard to make me feel better, and just by her being here and knowing that her and Lily care is enough.

I sit up straight and wipe the tears off my face. "Yeah, now we have the rest of the month until school starts back up." I let out a small smile. Lily gets into the passenger seat after telling them god knows what. She speeds out of his driveway scaring the crap out of me.

"Where to?" Lily asks, you can tell she's extremely pissed by her tone of voice and by the way she's driving. She's normally a really careful driver.

"I want to go home," I mumble trying to stop crying. I pull away from Sam and play with my hands.

"I know what will cheer you up!" Sam says like she just came up with the best idea in the world. A crooked smile spreads across her face. She leans over me and whispers something into Lily's ear. Lily nods and Sam sits back in her seat.

I look out the window and stare at the crowded scenery as we drive towards the center of Davis City. When the car stops were in front of a quaint pet store.

"Come on," Sam says as she drags me out of my car. Lily locks her car and we head inside. The first thing that catches my attention is a adorable white Maltese puppy.

I walk over to the pin and a smile instantly appears on my face. An older employee with graying long brown hair walks up to me "Do you want to play with him in the pet pin?" She asks.

"Yes!" It's like she was reading my mind. I love animals and always have. I remember when I was little, I'd ask my Mom for a puppy and she would always buy me a new stuffed animal to go with my collection instead.

The employee pulls out the puppy and sets him in the pet pin telling me to get in as well. I sit down criss cross pulling the puppy into my arms. I let him on the stomach, "You like that don't ya boy?" The puppy barks at me in response. Twenty minutes later I was my usual and we were ready to leave.

The ride back to my house was filled with laughter and memories. "Remember when Lily had the brilliant idea of us going to the park by ourselves because we were 'big girls' and didn't need our Moms help walking to the park?" Sam said and we all burst out laughing.

"We were like what, seven?" Lily says then burst out laughing agin.

"We scared the crap out of our Mom's, they almost called the police." I say making us laugh harder.

We make it to my house in a matter of minutes. The lights inside our all out and I remember my Mom saying something about her and Gary, my Step-Dad, going out tonight a few days ago.

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay tonight?" Lily asks me with a unconvinced look on her face.

"I'm fine seriously," I try to reassure her.

"Are you sure?" She asks not sounding convinced

"Yes." I still try to convince her.

"Are you positive you don't want us to stay?" She asks again

"For the last time, I'm fine." I say in a final tone. I step out of the car and wait for them to drive off. When I get to the front door I feel something or someone's eyes on me, watching my every move.


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-Your Geek,

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