Chapter 36

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Silver has been acting weird all week, Since he asked me to go to his room back at the apartment. I heard screaming but that was all I heard. When he came to the room he seemed frustrated, I still don't know what he was frustrated about.

My Mom and I went back to school shopping yesterday, even though I didn't want to. School starts in less than two weeks and I just got my schedule. I only share a few classes with Sam and Lily. Owen is leaving tomorrow, we are all going to be a crying mess. The last time he left it was horrible, I'm betting this time will be worse.

We are all hanging out at Lily's house today, so we can have one last day with him before he leaves. I'm really going to miss him when he leaves. We are all sitting in her bedroom at the moment playing video games. Owen screams in the losers face every time he wins and tells others they just got lucky when he loses. He's such a good winner and loser! Note the sarcasm. I've let him win every time I play against him.

"Grace! It's your turn!" Sam tells me handing m the controller but I push it back into her hands.

"You can play for me," I tell her smiling. She never goes easy when she plays, not even when it's a little kid. Let's just say she made a kid cry. She has like this mode when she plays games, she has no mercy.

"You okay?" Lily asks me knowing something's on my mind.

"Yeah," I tell her smiling, then it hits me. I never told them I have a boyfriend! I am such a bad friend!

"Um, Owen do you know Max?" I ask him and he pauses the game.

"Ya! He's a kid that hangs around Carson and Nolan, right?" He asks me pausing the game.

"Um, you see, he may be my boyfriend that I haven't told you about! I'm really sorry! I was going to-" I rush out but am interrupted by Owen's laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask seriously.

"It's about time," He says sobering up.

"What is?" I ask, this is seriously confusing me.

"The last few times I've seen him all he would go on about was a girl he liked." Owen tells me

"I feel so stupid that I didn't put it together, although I've never seen you with him." He continues sounding a little confused at the end.

"Oh," Is all I say in shock.

"Don't worry, I'll go talk to him before I leave." He tells me with a evil look on his face.

"I really don't think that's necessary," I tell him a little scared of what he would say.

"It is, Gracie. I know he doesn't always hang around with the right crowd, be careful." He warns me, un- pausing his game. Sam and Lily just sit in shock for a minute, but Sam quickly goes back to her game.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks hurt.

"It slipped my mind, I'm really sorry Lil." I say and she hugs me.

"It's okay! What's he like?" She asks me.

"Umm, you'd have to meet him and see for yourself." I tell her smiling.

••••••••••••• The Next Day ••••••••••••••

I hurry to get my clothes on so I can see Owen at the airport. Once there on, I have my Mom an Dad drive me. I meet Owen, Lily, and Sam at the front. They are already crying and I'm about to burst into tears. I don't want him to leave.

I walk up to them and we all have a group hug. Owens shirt is wet from all of our tears falling on it while we hug him to death. He drops his bag to hug us back. We let go of him and he picks up his bag. Walking him in all of us start to cry harder. Owen has a few tears drop as we reach the gates but he wipes them away quickly.

"I'm gonna miss you little sis," He tells Lily hugging the life out of her as she does the same to him.

"Same goes to you two," He tells me and Sam messing up our hair. I quickly hug him and so does Sam. He leaves us and we are left to hug each other.


This was so sad.. I'm going to miss Owen too, even though he's not a real person, I feel as if he is. Who else is going to miss him?

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- Your Geek,

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