Chapter 5

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Everyone in the room stares at my Mom with wide eyes, my Mom is the type of person that thinks the best of all situations and has a calm personality. She would never act like this in other situations. Nick, Lily, and Sam are all here probably to hang out with me.

Just like everyone else I stare at my Mom with wide eyes she's never and I mean never screamed at me. From behind me I hear frantic banging on the door.

"Grace! What happened are you okay who's in there with you!?" I here Nolan say in a worried but muffled voice. I walk backwards and open it with my face still towards my Mom.

"I'm.. I'm fine... It's just my... Mom and some friends." My voice comes out shaky. I can see Nolan and Silver standing beside me out of the corner of my eye. My Moms face turns red and I coward back behind Silver. I cling to the back of this suit while peeking at my Mom from his side.

In all honesty I'm scared of my mom right now I've never seen my mom like this and... it scares me a lot. She snaps her head towards Silver and points a finger at him.

"Who are you?!" She says with venom in her words.

"My name is Silver, Mam." Silver says in a polite voice. The way he responded calmed her a little.

"And you?" She raises a brow at him questionably.

"Nolan." He puts his hand out for her to shake. My Mom looks taken aback at first but still complies. She looks way happier since they were polite to her, lets just say she's not a big fan of Nick.

"Why the hell was my girlfriend out with other guys?" Nick says drawling out the word girlfriend.

"Maybe because you ditched your girlfriend last night without a ride," Silver says in a threatening tone.

"Grace, did he really ditch you without a ride?" My Moms attention is fully on me. I only nod seeing anger fill her eyes.

"Was this the first time he's ditched you?" I shake my head slowly. She snaps her head towards Nick and glares.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt right now honestly, but if you don't leave my sight in the next five seconds.. lets just say you won't like the outcome." Silver speaks up and I feel his muscles tighten like he's holding himself back.

Nick passes us silently leaving through the front door. I grab the back of Silver's suit tighter in my hands, this got his attention. He pulled me out from behind him but kept his hand on my back keeping me still.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry I didn't know that he ditched you!" My Mom is back to her concerned usual self as she comes over to hug me.

"But that still doesn't explain why you were out all night with these guys." She looks at me sternly.

"Silver saved me when I was being mugged and we decided it was best for me to stay with them." I only told half of the truth to not worry her. I wanted to earn Silvers trust and I don't think the best way to is to tell her their secret.

"I only have one more question, why is he wearing a costume?" She looks at him skeptically.

"I work at a place that makes me wear this." He slyly lies and it looks like my mom believes him.

"Do you want to stay for lunch were having sandwiches?" She asks the guys, Lily, and Sam. They all agree and my Mom seems so happy I'm making me friends for as long as I can remember it was always just Sam, Lily, and me. We never let anything come between us, even when Nick came into the picture. When I told my Mom and Step-Dad that Nick was my boyfriend ... they were less than delighted. The same goes for Lily and Sam.

••••••••••••••••12:37 P.M.•••••••••••••••

After lunch the guys were ready to go after many text and calls from Carson complaining about how it's not fair that they get to eat lunch with me and he doesn't. When they left Lily, Sam, and me went up to my room.

I jump on my bed and shove my face into a pillow. "I need to go talk to Nick." I feel them both lay on either side of me.

"If you go talk to him it better be to break up with him." Lily warns. I want to but I don't want to hurt his feelings.

"But I don't wanna hurt his feelings." My voice comes out muffled but they understand what I was trying to say. Sam lifts my face off of the pillow and makes me look at her. I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my face in her chest.

"He doesn't deserve you, he's treated you like dirt and walks all over you. Besides you can tell him that I confessed my love for you and you feel the same way, which we all know is the truth babe. It's just a matter of time before we both find out we're lesbians." We all laugh at our pretend lesbian future.

"Hey what about me!" Lily feigns being hurt. We all laugh harder to the point were Sam's face is completely red.

"But seriously guys I don't know what to do!" I groan and hug Sam tighter.

"We can go to his house and talk to him, Lily and I will be with you the whole time. I promise." Sam says with complete and utter honesty in her voice.

"Okay." I look up to the same girls I've known for all 16 years of my life. Sam still has the same red hair and vibrant green eyes and Lily has the same brown hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. I trust them with all of my heart and would take a bullet for either of them without a second thought.

"Then lets go." Lily says pulling out her keys and spinning them on her finger. I in wrap my arms from Sam and sit up.

"Shotgun" (when I first wrote this it auto corrected to 'short bum' hehe) I say out of nowhere. Sam groans as I race down stairs to Lilly's beat up car.
We all get in and I flip through the radio stations nervously. My hands are shaking and sweaty. I can feel my heart beat through my chest.

"Geez Gracie calm down, there's nothing to be nervous about." Lily says with her eyes still on the road. The agonizing minutes pass in what seems like hours. It feels like an eternity before we arrive but in reality is only five minutes.

We get out of the car and they both grab either of my arms. We walk up to the house and Lily knocks on the door

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-Your Geek,

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