Chapter 26

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•••••••• around 9:00 p.m. •••••••••

All the guys have left except Silver, I mean, Max. I want him to leave but he won't. I feel like crying, but not in front of anyone. I hate being around people when I cry. I thought Id be okay, I guess I was wrong. I pushed down most of my feelings after that night when he cheated on me, and now they're all starting to rise to the surface.

"Are you okay?" Max asks from the floor for why feels like the thousandth time today.

"Yes, can you please stop asking me every two seconds." I tell him leaning over the edge of my bed to look at him.

"I know your not," He says matter- of- factly

"How could you possibly know that?"I ask

"Your a open book, remember? I can read all of your thoughts" He says pointing to his head

"Oh," I say as he moves off of the ground to my bed, laying beside me.

"I also know you feel like crying and you want me to leave so you can be alone to cry." He states

"It's too bad for you that I'm not going to leave you alone to cry." He says, flicking my nose, making it scrunch up.

"Why not?" I whine

"Because I'm your friend and can't leave you alone like this, it will make you have time to think, and get all depressished." He tells me,

"That's not a real word," I say flatly

"Sure it is, I can even use it in a sentence." He says nodding.

"Then use it in one," I tell him rolling my eyes.

"I am not leaving you here alone so you can get all depressished." He says smiling as if he accomplished something.

"Fine," I give him credit so he will stop talking about it. We lay in silence for what feels like the longest time just staring into space.

"I'm bored." I state braking the awfully boring silence.

"Then lets do something," He says jumping of of my bed, holding his hand out for me to take. I place my hand in his and he swiftly pulls me up.

"What are we going to do?" I question him as he spins me around.

"We will know when we get there." He simply replies.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"We will know when we get there." He repeats with a grin on his face. Im pulled towards the window instead of the door.

"Uh- Silver, why aren't we going out the front door?" I question him worried as he starts to open my window and pull out the screening, placing it on the floor.

"Where's the fun in going out the boring front door?" He answers my question with a question.

"Hey! Front doors are not boring they are safe and there is less of a chance to break a bone or die." I tell him freaking out inside.

"Safe is boring and you won't get hurt." He says with something in his voice that makes me agree with him. He spins around, grabbing my shoulders.

"Okay," I tell him and as soon as I say that four letter word, he turns around and jumps out of the window. I hurry to the window to see if he made the jump safely.

"Your turn." He shouts up at me and I shake my head refusing.

"Come on, it will be fun! I promise." I force myself onto the window at his words. My legs dangling down, from the ground my window doesn't look that high up but from up here it looks way higher. Max holds his arms out for me and I push myself off of the windowsill. Adrenaline rushes threw me, and it feels as if time is going in slow motion before my eyes. I'm brought back to reality as my back hits Max's arms.

"See I told you, It would be fun." He says looking down at me in his arms.

"Can we do that again?" I ask excitedly with a huge childish smile on my face.

"Sometime," He says placing me on my feet. We stay in silence as we walk down random streets, stoping at a store that I've never noticed before.

"Wait here," He tells me before he walks into the store. I didn't see him come out but he had too of because he walks up behind me, placing something on my face and messing with it.

"What is it?" I ask him

"A mask." He replies

"Why do I need a mask?" I question him.

"You ask too many questions, but, if you really want to know. When you wear a mask, you can be yourself and it makes things more funner. " He tells me and I roll my eyes at him and his fake words.

"Wait, you bought these right? Please tell me you bought these." I ask

"I bought these," he says with a crooked grin.

"Did you really buy these?" I ask him

"No." He says honestly and I smack him in the side of his head.

"Silver! You can't just go around stealing things!" I tell him

"But I can," He tells me and I put the argument to the side.. for now. He puts his on, which is a lot like his own mask.

"Okay, now lets go." He says grabbing my hand and starts running.


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-Your Geek,

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