Chapter 33

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Two days, I haven't seen Silver for two days. I've gotten so used to him just being here everyday, I miss him. After we left my house two days ago he brought me to our park and when it turned dark, to our roof.

I guess I shouldn't be mad at him or anything, he has a life. He can't spend every day with me, I'll just have to get over it. It would be selfish of me if he spent every day with me. My phone buzzes, notifying me that I have a

Silver: Miss me?

I laugh at him, Of course he was reading my thoughts. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Me: no

I text him back, easily lying. I wait for a reply but never get one, I head out of the living room and go upstairs to my room. The room is dark when I open the door. When I walk in the door shuts behind me and almost immediately I'm pushed against the door. I reach out my hand to turn on the light, as I turn it on a hand grabs mine.

"You have to stop scaring me like that, one day I might have something in my hand and you will get hit with it. When that day comes, It will not be my fault." I tell Silver, hitting his chest lightly.

"That day won't come because you wouldn't even be able to land a hit on me."He says, grabbing the hand I hit him with. He picks me up and throws me on my bed. He jumps beside me, putting his arm behind my head. My eyes close for a minute as I enjoy the silence, Im interrupted by someone clapping slowly.

I open my eyes and find the source. Safety stands leaning against my wall to the left of me, Silver tenses immediately at the sight. Silver releases my hand and moves his arm out from under me. He gets off of the bed and stands in front of Safety, he looks furious. I can tell Silvers holding back from attacking Safety.

"You know your mother's late, she hasn't payed me in a few weeks. It would be such a tragedy if something happened to her," Safety says making Silver more pissed.

"She doesn't owe you anything," Silver tells him outraged.

"It would be so easy for me to come in here at night," Safety says changing the topic to me.

"I wouldn't worry as much for your mom, she's in no danger as long as she does what I say." He continues and Silver stays quiet, looking down at the ground. Safety walks up to me and stands in front of me, his eyes examining me.

"She's such a pretty little thing, isn't she?" Safety asks Silver and yet again doesn't get a response.

"If I were you, I'd be more concerned about her." Safety says, reaching out to touch me but is pulled back by Silver.

"And If I were you, I would leave before I got hurt." Silver says pushing him against the wall.

"I'll go but remember this, I will be back and it won't be for your Mother." Safety says and Silver releases him. Safety disappears, leaving me with Silver's anger. He walks over to the bed and pulls me up. He hugs me so tight that I can barely breath, but I don't mind. His chin rest on the top of my head, his arms encircled around my waist.

"I won't let anything happen to you," He whispers softly to me, kissing the top of my head. I nod, hugging him back. After a while, we lay back down still hugging.

"You know this means that I'm not leaving you here, alone or even with your parents." He tells me. He can't be serous, but then again It wouldn't be so bad. I reach out to grab the TV remote and I turn on Netflix. I search for something to watch but come up with nothing so I settle for my usual show, Leverage. I hear a knock on my door and go to answer it, motioning for Silver to hide or leave.

Once, he's out of sight and in my bathroom, I open my door. My mom stands, holding a basket of folded clothes and hands me mine.

"Thank you," I tell her and close my door, I am so glad my parents knock before coming into my room. I go to the bathroom and give him the all clear. I don't like hiding things from my parents but, I guess it's a price I have to pay to be with Silver. I still don't know what we are.


As always Vote, comment your opinion, AND SHARING IS ALWAYS CARING!!

-Your Geek,

The Girl Behind SilverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora