Chapter 18

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"Go to sleep," He demands

"But-" I start to refuse but am cut off by him

"Grace, I said go to sleep." He demands agin in a final tone. I close my eyes and try not to fall asleep, I don't want anything to happen to me. Not that I think anything will, Valt has this certain vibe I get from him that is somewhat comforting. Its like he won't let anything happen to me but at the same time he's still just... I can't even begin to explain it.

I reposition my self so my heads on his shoulder and he continues to play with pieces if my hair. I stay still trying to even out my breathing. I'm trying so hard to stay awake but I can't refuse to the darkness anymore. I start to drift off to sleep, the world where anything is possible.
••••••••••••••Sometime Later•••••••••••

I awaken from the noise of voices but I keep my eyes closed so the people don't notice me. I can't tell if the people are in the room or outside of it and I can't take any chances. I don't know what Valt has planned or what he's going to do with me.

"We had a deal, I get the girl. You can do whatever you want with Silver and the other's but your not getting the girl." I hear Valt's authoritative voice say.

"I gave you my word, didn't mean I'd keep it. I'm taking the girl." A unfamiliar voice replies to Valt.

"I said I get the girl," Valt's voice argues further. I hear a loud crash and the door opening, I guess they weren't in the room after all. I feel myself being picked up into someone's arms bridal style and carried somewhere. I bounce up a little with every step the person takes. I try not to fall back asleep but am still tired and the rhythm of the persons heart beat.

••••••••••• Sometime Later •••••••••••••

I wake up opening my eyes slowly, once agin my location has changed now I'm in a room with navy blue walls and a bright light shining through a window. A heavy arm is over my stomach and I turn around to face the person behind me praying that its Valt or someone I know but... It's not. This guy has a mask on but it's not Valt and he's awake. He stares at me creepily, has.. he been watching me while I was asleep? I scurry as far away from him as possible. I don't look behind me to see where the bed ends so I fall to the ground with a thud and a cry of pain. The door opens with a squeak and Valt walks into the room.

"Van I told you that you weren't aloud in this room." Valt says seeing the other guy in the room. So that's his name or at least his hero/ villain name, whatever they are. Valt comes over to me and pulls me off of the ground and helps me stand up right.

"If you don't want me to come into your room then don't leave the door open." Van replies rudely

"I didn't leave my door open." Valt says flatly

"Yes you did," Van argues back

"No I didn't,"


"Didn't," this keeps on going until I try to walk away from them.

"Grace, get back here!" Valt's voice booms of authority. I walk back over to him but don't stand too close.

"May I ask, what time is it?" I ask

"Like 6/7ish?" Van responds for Valt.

"Dumb ass she wasn't talking to you!" Valt starts to argue with Van agin.

"Uh, can you please tell me why I'm here?" I ask politely

"No," Valt answers my question simply and in a final tone.

"I'm hungry," Van says putting his hands on his stomach.

"Then go make yourself something," Valt tells Van

"But I don't wanna!" He whines back

"Well I don't care," Valt says with a hint of amusement in his voice

"You don't mean that, you love me! So make me something to eat." Van argues

"You keep thinking that," Valt says with a smile forming on his face. I have came to the conclusion that I'm not in harms way with them, Valt's rude but its not like he's hurt me in any way. Why would he not give me up to that guy he was talking to earlier and bring me here instead if he was going to hurt me? There would be no point.

Im taken out of my thoughts by Valt grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. When we exit the room the first thing you see is a couch and TV, what I'm guessing to be the living room. Looking to my left I see a small and dirty kitchen with piles of dishes on the sink. He leads me to sit on the couch with him as Van goes into the kitchen.


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-Your Geek,

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