Chapter 24

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"Can I take you somewhere?" Silver asks out of the blue.

"Are you asking?" I question

"Not really," He says rubbing the back of his neck. I roll my eyes at him, If he's going to take me somewhere anyway, why ask?

"It would be impolite not to." He says reading my mind, taking my hand. I close my eyes instantly as he pulls me close to him. Silver dances across my eyes like many times before, and when it's gone I open them. We now stand on top of the rooftop he's taken me before.

"So why are we here?" I ask him out of curiosity

"Come sit." He tells me leading me over to the edge and we sit.

"You remember when you asked me why I kept my mask on, and I told you that my identity is something you have to earn?" He asks me and I nod, not knowing where he's taking this.

"You earned it." He continues, tucking a strand of loose hair that fell into my face behind my ear. He kisses my cheek and pulls away from me. His hands grip onto his silver mask nervously and he pulls it off slowly. When it's completely off I examine his face. I've seen this guy before, I don't know where though.

He has dark hair, and bright piercing blue eyes. His face is pale, if you put a piece of white paper next to his skin it would only be a few shades off.

"What's your name?" I ask

"Maxton," He tells me. It's different, unique, I like it.

"You can call me Max. " He continues, It's weird to think that all this time I've wondered who he is and now that I know, it feels as if Silver and Max are different people. They sort of are, Silver is the mysterious guy that may or may not be a villain, I haven't figured it out yet and Max is just Max.

" Maxton " I test out how his full name sounds aloud when I say it.

"It's nice to meet you, Max." I tell him, trying to lighten the mood and hold out my hand for him to shake. His eyes fill with something, relief?

"Likewise," He says shaking my hand and smiles at me.

"So what now?" I ask him, withdrawing my hand from his.

"I don't know." He says truthfully. We stay in silence as we both stare up at the night sky. I lay down on my back, to get a fuller view of the sky, Silver, I mean Max, lays down next to me. At some point our hands connected and unknown emotions invade me. His hand is cold against my skin as it loosely touches mine. We stay this way for a long time, enjoying the view and each others company.

••••••••••••• Morning ••••••••••••••

I must have fallen asleep last night, when I woke up I was alone, and in my own bed. I was kind of disappointed, I don't even know why though. I dig through my closet, throwing a random pair of shorts and shirt onto my bed. This is how I choose my clothes, most of the time the outfit works out, and others not so much.

After I change, I walk downstairs to the living room, wanting to watch TV. My mom and dad are already there when I walk in. Taking a seat on the couch, I watch what's on. My thoughts take my attention away from what's on the TV. I've only known Silver and the guys for a short amount of time and yet, I already trust them with my life. I guess with what we've been through its normal.

I mess with my hair trying to drown out my thoughts. They make you over think things and cause problems. It's weird to think about your thoughts, I think the randomly things sometimes. I believe your thoughts effect the way you do everything, like how you can solve a game of 'Flow'. There's multiple ways to solve it, you just don't realize it until you open your mind and see all the possible ways to.

'You think too much' Silver's voice invades my mind.

'I know, it's annoying.' I agree

'I can hear all of your thoughts, you know, and It is annoying.' He tells me and I mentally roll my eyes at him, he didn't need to agree with me.

'I know your rolling your eyes at me too,' He tells me and I can practically feel him rolling his eyes at me too.

'You are too,' I say smiling, knowing I'm right.

'Whatever,' He huffs, I can feel his attitude in his voice. I cover my mouth trying to stop myself from laughing at him but a giggle manages to escape.
Dedicated to @Bethony_Brooke because she is awesome! Please check out her books 'Magcon Hearts' and 'Abandoned by 5sos' (I honestly don't know if I spelled any of these right!)
Well anyway comment your opinion, vote, sharing is caring, and EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! ;-)

-Your Geek,

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