Chapter 8

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I awake in the morning with Silver hugging me close to him while I'm in his lap. When I try to remove myself from his lap his hold gets tighter. it would be so easy to reveal his identity right now. I bring my hand up about to remove his mask but can't bring myself to betray him.

"Don't even think about it, Grace" Silver's voice breaks through the silence sounding tired but fully aware of his surroundings.

I stay silent as Silver changes his position so he's laying on my bed instead of sitting.

"What did that guy say to you before I got there?" Silver asks with his eyes filled with something I can't place.

"Nothing... he uh.. just threatened me." I say telling half the truth.

"We won't let them hurt you," He says sincerely as he caresses my cheek. My cheeks instantly turn warm and I can tell I'm blushing. I nod, pulling myself off of him. My door opens and my Mom starts to walk in.

"Honey are you awake? It's already 12:40." I start to freak out knowing I'll get in trouble for Silver being in my room. In a flash Silver was nowhere to be found.

"Did you see that?" My Mom ask's .

"See what?" I ask with my eyes only partly open, pretending like I just woken up.

"Nothing" She says shaking her head.

"What did you come to tell me?" I ask her.

"I don't remember" She says turning around to leave as I stand up to get ready for the day. Once Im done changing, brushing my teeth, and etc. I walk back into my bedroom to find someone laying on my bed. I grab the closest thing to me for a weapon, which happened to be a can of hairspray.

Holding it out in front of me I walk closer to my bed slowly. When I reach my bed and look down finding Owen.

"Cupcake! You haven't changed since I last seen ya, like what two months ago." Owen says then looking at the bottle of hairspray aimed at him, "Except that, I thought ya still loves me. I came back for you!" He jokes, me and Owen have always been close, even though he's Lily's older brother.

"Wenny I thought I'd never see you agin, I missed you!" I say dropping the can of hairspray and hugging him. Owen is like a older brother to Sam and I. He's been our annoying sibling to all of us, but always made sure we were looked after.

"You know I'd always come back for you, probably not for Lily and Sam, but I'll always come back." He says joking and lets go of me.

"How's college life?" I ask because every time he comes back he has ridiculous story's about his roommates and friends.

"Okay, I guess, my roommates have been wanting to meet you after they found a picture of you on my phone." He says with a scowl on his face.

"What about you and Nick?" He asks changing the subject. I look down and mess with my hands. I haven't told him about us breaking up yet and I usually tell him everything.

"We broke up." I say in a quiet voice.

"Why?" he raises a brow.

"He.. he.. um sorta.. cheated on me?" It came out more like a question as I stuttered through my words. Owen's face turned red and he looked like he could kill.

"When did this happen?" He asks in a louder voice.

"Y-yester-day." I say, looking anywhere but him. He pulls me into a big hug again.

"Why didn't you tell me, I could've already kicked his ass." He says still outraged but lowered his voice.

"I had some other things on my mind, where's Lily and Sam?" I ask, pulling away from him.

"They are down stairs waiting on us." He says nonchalant.

"Why didn't you tell me! They've probably been waiting bored out of their minds!"I slap him on the arm and drag him out of the room

When we reach the bottom I hear Sam shout "Geez, I thought I would die before you would come downstairs!"

We walk into the living room to find Lily hanging upside down halfway off the couch and Sam on her phone laying across Lily's legs.

"Where are we going?" I ask excited, I feel like I haven't really been out with all of them in forever.

"The movie's but I'm picking up some friends to come with us." Owen says spinning his keys in his finger just like Lily does. It must be a sibling thing.

We all pile into Owens six seated truck. Lily and Sam sit in the front while I am suck in the back to sit next to Owen's friends.

We pull into a unfamiliar neighborhood. Owen parks in front of a house with a certain professional look to it.

"Stay here," Owen says as he gets out of the truck and walks up to the house,
knocks on the door, and then enters when the door opens. Minutes later he walks out with three guys that look like, no it can't be, Ian, Nolan, and Carson.

How's this going to work there's six seats and like what? Seven of us? I take a mental count of everybody, yep there's seven of us.

"Hey isn't that the guy from when your Mom went all angry and whatever?" Sam says catching Lily's and I's attention.

"Hey that is that guy! Grace? Isn't that the same guy?" Lily says and I shrink in my seat wanting to become invisible.

"Ya" I say, Why does it seem like they show up where ever I go? My side door opens and Ian gets in.

"Hey Grace," Ian says, looking out the window.

"You know him too, Grace be honest with me are you cheating on me?" Sam says wiping away a imaginary tear, I just roll my eyes at her.

The other side door opens and Carson and Nolan pile in.

"Gracie! I've missed you!" Carson says putting his arm around my shoulder. Owen gets in the car and notices Carson's arm around me.

"Carson get your arm off of her." He says sternly.

"But why?" Carson whines like a three year old but removes his arm.

The ride to the theatre only took about 15 or so minutes. We buy are tickets and head inside. When we buy our snacks Carson buys double what everyone else got.

"Why are you getting all off that?" I ask curiously, its not like he would be able to eat all of it.

"Ian's paying and I'm going to play a game." He says with his mouth stuffed with food.

"You mean Ian's paying right now and your going to pay Ian back?" Ian joins the conversation.

"No I'm pretty sure that Ian's paying for me like a good friend." Ian curses and moves farther away from us.


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-Your Geek,

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