Chapter 21

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I lift myself further onto the window and work on opening the glass. This place seems old. The window opens and I do a happy dance in my mind. We are free, I hope so anyways.

"Silver, pull me down." I tell him and he pulls me down.

"I found a way out," I tell everyone pointing to the now opened window.

"I'll go first so I can help pull you up. If you do anything to her, I will kill you." Silver threats pointing at all the guys individually. He pulls himself up, making a noise of pain in the process. Once he's out he puts his arms out for me.

"Okay, Austin lift Grace up to me." Silver demands, Austin lifts me up and I grab Silvers hands to pull me the rest of the way. We stay crouched down so no one can see us as Austin starts to pull himself up, Colton pulls himself up next, then Valt, and lastly Van.

I look around finding a normal front yard with no one around. Putting my arm around Silver's waist to help support him, I walk towards the sidewalk. I hear footsteps behind me signaling that the others followed us. I pick up our speed to get out of the houses view of sight.

"Now where do you think your going? You didn't really think you'd be able to escape me?" Safety's voice booms

"Fuck you," Silver says his voice coming out choppy and breathless. I think he's getting weaker, I don't even know how he got the strength to pull me up and out of the window. Many guys come out of the house and zone in on us.

"Now, that's no way to speak to your father?" Safety taunts

"I've told you before, you're not my father." Silver deny's, once agin his voice comes out choppy. Safety nods at the men surrounding us and they quickly close in on us but before they can reach us everything goes to chaos. Men are grabbed and thrown everything around us turns into a blur. The guys suddenly join in on whatever's happening.

Austin grabs someone's leg and drags them across the grass while Colton grabs the mans head and repeatedly punches him. Van is crawling on the ground trying not to get stepped on but is failing miserably. Valt is fighting five men at once, I want to laugh right now but I'm to... I don't even know I just can't.

I've learned over the years of playing games that I'm forced to play like sharks and Minos that the best tactic of winning is acting normal. I remember there was only two people left in a game before it was me and someone else. I walked straight across the feild calmly and no one even noticed. They only noticed the person panicking.

I start to walk with Silver calmly through the battlefield trying to remember everything I know. I force myself to be more relaxed but inside I'm freaking out and am anything but. I focus on the steps I take and my breathing. I'm calm, I'm collected, I have nothing to worry about. I reassure myself over and over agin until I make myself believe it.

Silvers arm over my shoulder feels like it ways a ton from it being there for so long. I try not to make a face or move my shoulders from it. It's like Silver reads my mind when he lifts some of the weight from his arm off of my shoulder.... oh wait, he probably did.

We make it a good distance away from the chaos with much effort. I have no phone in me or anything so we won't be able to call anyone unless Silver has a phone on him which I doubt.

"Do you have a phone on you?" I voice question

"Actually, I do." Silver says, his response surprises me.

"May I see it?" I ask politely, he pulls it out but keeps it in his hand. I look at him weirdly and he shrugs.

"You asked to see it, not to use it." He says smirking, how can he even joke right now?

"May I use it?" I ask politely rewording my question from before. He hands it to me and I instantly start to call my mom. Carson and Nolan come out of nowhere and stand in front of us. I guess I don't need this anymore, I hand the phone back to Silver.

"Where'd you come from?" I ask them

"You didn't really think we'd leave you back there." Nolan says rolling his eyes at Carson

"I saved you, I think I deserve something in return." Carson try's to over speak Nolan. Nolan pushes Carson in the shoulder for his comment.

"Can we leave all ready?" Silver asks cutting off whatever they were doing. No one responds as Nolan comes over and replaces my spot of helping Silver walk and stand.

Well anyway as always comment your opinion, vote, & sharing is always caring!

-Your Geek,

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