Chapter 2

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I take a seat in the chair across from Ian. Ian looks like he's around my age with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Why am I here?" I ask and Ian looks at Silver who nods at him.

"I helped you and Safety has seen you with me. I put you and your family in danger. Once the others get back we will talk more about this" Silver speaks up.

"The two people that you seen help us are Nolan and Carson. Also known as Green Smash and Black Fist. I'm the tech man. I watch Safety's moves and get them prepared. I also make their suit designs." He says the last bit sounding very proud of himself. I sit in silence trying to process everything.

"You and your family are in danger we can't leave you defenseless without a clue of what going on." Silver add, I nod and take a good look around.

It looks like a normal apartment, the only thing odd about it is the various laptops on the table in front of the couch which are placed in many organized rows.

A flash of black and green cross the room. Two very fit looking men join us in well designed outfits and masks. They both take a seat on the couch.

The man in black takes off his mask first. "I'm Carson and that's Nolan" The man in green says pointing at the man in black.

"This is Grace." Ian tells them as they take the seats next to me on the couch. Carson is sitting uncomfortably close to me making me move closer to Nolan.

Carson puts his arms around my shoulders "Can we keep her?"

"Why am I here? You can not hold me here forever, my parents are probably worried sick. I don't know what's going on but can you please take me home?" I ask hopefully and Silver shakes his head.

"Not yet, we have to talk about what were going to do with you." He tells me

'Please, don't kill me!' My mind screamed.

"We aren't going to hurt you." Silver says as if reading my mind. That's what murderers say before they kill you in movies, this is really raising a red flag.

You know that moment in a scary movie and you screaming at the TV 'Don't listen to him! He's going to kill you!' or 'Don't open that door! Don't do it, just no!' I feel like I'm in a scary movie waiting to die, I'm still young, I have too much to live for. Ian claps his hands together making an echoing sound throughout the apartment.

"Okay, let's get back to business. I assume you have no clue what's going on. I'll start with the basics the rest of the story is not mine to tell, only when the times right. That man that you seen is the bad guy or good which ever way you look at it. You have probably seen him in the news as a hero. He's a selfish liar and will do anything that will benefit himself in some way." Ian says taking a deep breath.

"He's called Safety. He is trying to bring us down and will do anything to, including killing you and your family. The difference of us from books and movies is we aren't going to take a long ass time to discover pushing people away or leaving them alone doesn't save them." Ian pauses taking a deep breath.

"We aren't going to say it was a mistake helping you. It's the problems that come with helping you that's the issue. The point is some people might come after you and your family, we need to make a vote, does she be on our side or will she know nothing? Majority rules. Raise your hand if you agree." Ian continues and I just stare at him in disbelief. This can not seriously be happening.

Everyone raises their hand without hesitation except Silver. He takes a minute before he slowly starts to raise his hand.

"Can I go home now?" I ask in my quiet voice. Silver takes a minute to think my question over. "No, you have to stay here tonight." No I can't stay here, there's boys and my parents would freak out if they knew.

"No, I need to go home." I say crossing my arms across my chest.

Silver laughs "What do you mean by no. Is it because your scared?" He asks and I shake my head at him.

Carson shifts beside me. "Then whats the problem? You're staying, just call your parents and say your staying with friends."

"Fine," I pull out my phone and send them a quick text. I don't want to wake them up if they are asleep.

"Carson, it's your turn to make popcorn." The couch shifts as Carson's Weight is lifted. The situation I'm in crashes down on me like a ton of bricks. I start to panic, I try to calm myself down by taking a few deep breaths. I lean back into the couch and close my eyes.

I open my eyes and I feel more relaxed. I think back to all the criminal shows I watched and all the comments I made on what id do. I remember telling myself the number one rule is to not piss off the kidnappers.

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