Making It

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Thank you to all of my reader's! Without you I wouldn't of continued with finishing this book! Please check out my new book 'Making It'! The cover is above and the description is below!

-Your Geek,


Before I met him.... my goal in life was to make it. Make it through the day, the week, the month, the year. I didn't expect much out of life or people. I had given up on my dreams, my inspirations. I never let anyone get close to me.

Before I would always look back second guessing the choices I've made. I locked myself up in my own world waiting, I didn't know what I was waiting for, before. I was waiting for my savior. I was waiting for my reason to live, I now realize, I was only surviving.

He made me change, and I don't know if it was a good thing or bad, but I love his way of life.

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