Chapter 9

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We find our theatre room right before the movie begins.b'Hey' I here a voice but it doesn't sound like I actually heard it but it was more like it was from inside my mind. I look around the theatre room but there's only three other people in here.

'Don't bother looking for me, you wouldn't be able to guess.' The person says, I keep looking and try to send a message back to him or who I think is a guy.

'Why are you talking to me or.. whatever your doing?' I ask him as I turn to face towards the screen again.

'Cute,' The voice says seeming more closer to me.

'Silver seems to have taken an interest in you, and now I can see why.' The voice says yet again sounding closer to me than before.

'Who are you?' I try to tell him or whatever it's called.

'The names Valt, so tell me why are you here with those idiots?' The voice once again sounding closer, but now I feel like Valt's right behind me.

'They aren't idiots,' I say feeling a presence behind me. I turn around to find a guy leaning forward in his seat towards me. The guy who I suppose is Valt is wearing a orange and red mask and suit.

'Suuure they aren't, You found me.' Valt says and I can see a faint smirk on his face in the dim light from the movie.

'Turn back 'round wouldn't want your friends to notice now would we' he says motioning for me to turn around. My phone buzzes from inside my back pocket and I pull it out. Silver's name pops up on my screen surprisingly.

1 Unread text messages from Silver

I click on the message and it pops up.

Don't listen 2 what Valt has 2 say

My fingers tap across my screen fast as I respond.

How do u know I was talking 2 him

I can feel Valt looking over my shoulder at my phone, but nobody notices since their to engaged in the movie.

'Aww he doesn't trust me,' He says faking hurt.

My phone buzzes again.

Look at the entrance.

Sure enough, Silver stood leaning against the wall with his hands in his suit pockets by the entrance/exit as he watched us.

'And thats my cue to leave, see you around.' He stands up walking towards the entrance/exit and bumps his shoulder with Silver's intentionally.

Silver walks down the stairs and sits in the aisle behind me. I turn back around to face the movie again. I can feel him behind me but I wouldn't dare to look back.

The rest of the movie I stayed staring at the screen but not really paying attention to the movie. I have so many questions about who Valt really is, Is he a bad? Is he good? Why was he really talking to me?

The movie ended and the lights turned on. I looked around the theatre but Silver was no where to be found. When we walked out into the hallway, Nolan comes and walks in step with me. "You asked what Carson was doing with all that food earlier, there's your answer." He says then points at Carson.

Carson takes a bag of popcorn and puts in on some random guys head and walks away dropping many things in the process. He repeats this many times but every time it's with some different candy or food item.

Everyone laughs as we watch him start running towards us trying to outrun the mob gathered behind him. He finally reaches us panting hard and out of breath, "Okay, let's go!" He says in urgency.

We all start to head out but I end up being last in the group. I'm suddenly pulled back and am led into another theatre room. The theatre room is dark but empty.

"Silver?" I question after a few minutes of silence, just to make sure it's him.

"Yeah?" He says back

"What are we doing in here?" I ask, looking towards where I think he is. I bring my hand out in front of me trying to find him.

"What did he tell you?" He says, and I feel someone grab my arm.

"He was only wondering why you interested in me," I say shrugging and then remember he can't see me.

"I have to go, my friends are probably waiting for me." I move to grab the door handle and pull to open it but am pulled back.

"No they aren't I told the guys I'm going to take you home later," Im pulled into his chest. "Close your eyes" I obey and hold onto him. Bright silver dances across my eyes and I open them when it clears.

My suroundings have changed completely, we're now on the top of a building that lookd down on a busy road. Silver let's go of me and moves to sit on the edge.

"Come here," he says motioning me to come over to him. I walkover and sit on the edge next to him.

"You know I just realized I don't know anything about you," I say

"What's there to know?" He asks, making a smile form on my lips.


As always comment your opinion, vote, & sharing is caring!

-Your Geek,

The Girl Behind SilverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora