Chapter 20

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"Don't finish that sentence, asswhole." Silver says over Valt. I'm really surprised Van still hasn't waken up yet. I take a good look around the room noticing some spots in the wall that are thin.

"Guys look," I speak stopping their argument. They both look at the thinning walls to our right, which I'm positive there is rooms on both sides of us. Maybe... maybe we can break the walls in the next room and try to find one with the door open. It could work.

"Grace, that might work." Silver says reading my mind.

"What might work?" Valt asks confused.

"That's none of your fucking business," Silver hisses at Valt.

"Silver, can you please stop trying to start a fight." I whine at him, not necessarily asking him or demanding him. Silver opens and closes his mouth about three time then looks at the wall. Valt smirks but I ignore him and go back to trying to wake Van up.

"Let me try," Valt says laughing to himself. He scares me, after all he did kidnap me. He punches Van in the stomach... hard. I jump backwards in surprise and shock. I wasn't expecting that, I'm glad I'm not Van that would hurt. I make a mental note not to fall asleep with him anywhere around me as Van curses and wakes up.

"What the fuck, Where are we?" Van asks and Valt just hits him agin in the stomach.

"What the hell man! stop!" Van yells as he tries to cover his stomach with his arms. Valt laughs hard as Van hits him back.

"Can you stop fighting! I think I found a way to get out of here." I tell them speaking my last words quietly. They both stop and look at me, look at each other, then burst out laughing for no reason. What are they thinking? I really want to know. Once they sober up from their laughing, I start to tell them my idea.

"The wall over there," I say pointing to the wall to my right.

"It looks really thin, we could break through it and into the next room." I continue and they nod in agreement.

"It could work," Van says with a thoughtful look on his face. He walks over to the wall and pulls some of it back making a hole in the wall big enough to see through to the next room. He keeps pulling more of the wall out and we join him. We see other people on the other side, two guys.

"Help us," I say and they comply, no questions asked. With everyone helping we make a big enough hole for at least me to fit through. Van and Valt look at each other, look at the hole, then look at me. They're weird.

"You can fit through," Valt says looking back and forth from the hole to me.

"Fuck no, I don't know these people. If anybody's going first its you." Silver steps into the conversation before I can even respond. Valt backs away from me as Silver moves closer to me.

"She will be fine," Valt says.

"You're going first, and she might be fine but she's still not going in first" Silver demands.

"Fine, but I don't think I'll fit" Valt says crossing his arms and Silver shrugs in response.

"Not my problem." Silver says bluntly. Valt starts to climb through the hole but gets stuck halfway. We break some of the area around trying to set him free and it works, Next climbs in is Van, then me, and lastly Silver. It's harder for Silver to climb in because of all of his bruises and cuts.

"Hi, thanks for your help. I'm Grace, that's Silver, Van, and Valt." I tell the men that helped us, pointing at each of us as I say our names. They are older than me by at least a few years. They both have brown hair but one has a light brown and the other has a darker brown.

"This is Colton and I'm Austin." Austin says pointing to the guy next to him when he says Colton. Colton nods at us and Austin hold his hand out for me to shake. I notice something I didn't notice before in this room, there's a window. It has bars on it but its still a window. I release Austin's hand and move over to the window, but since I'm short I can't reach it.

"Silver, can you lift me?" I ask him because he's the only one I'm comfortable with in this room. I hope he can without being hurt more than he already is. He lifts me up in response, I grab onto the rusted bars and push them as hard as I can until part of them pop out. I pull on it then push until its completely out and give it to Van who's beside Silver.

I lift myself further onto the window and work on opening the glass. This place seems old. The window opens and I do a happy dance in my mind. We are free, I hope so anyways.

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- Your happy Geek,

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