Chapter 13

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"I freaked out after what happened and uh.. ran off." I badly lie, I try to convince myself that's its okay to lie about this. That I'm protecting Silver and the guys, but I can't. I still feel guilt about lying. They must have believed me because they ask no further questions. Sam and Lily walk up to me and hug me as tight as humanly possible.

"I thought something happened to you." Lily says sniffling trying to hold back tears.

"I'm okay, I promise nothing's going to happen to me. You can't get rid of me easily, remember we go down together." I say reassuring her, Sam kisses my cheek and we pull away from each other.

"Babe, you can't do things like that. You'll give us a heart attach." Sam says

"If I die from a heart attach I will come back to life and kill you because I won't be able to beat my new Xbox game." She warns crossing her arms across her chest childishly. I swear she loves her video games more than me.

"Don't worry If you die I die." I say and wrap my arms around her neck.

"Gracie, I didn't know you are lesbian." Owen says running his hand through his short brown hair.

"I mean Sam, I was skeptical about, but you?" Owen continues, I just scoff at him.

"Why are you jealous?" I playfully ask

"Sure," He says sarcastically, and we roll our eyes.

"Lily!" Sam says pulling her over so she's in between us. We both kiss her cheek on each side at the same time. My parents walk out of the living room and towards the kitchen as my eyes follow them. Everything gets awkwardly quit and stays that way for a few minutes.

"I'm bored," I state loudly breaking the silence.

"What are we suppose to do about that?" Lily asks

"Entertain me," I reply with a bored look on my face.

"Yeah, no." Sam says answering for Lily and herself.

"Then what are we suppose to do?" I whine to them

"Watch TV? I don't know," Lily says, and as soon as she finishes her sentence Sam yell's.

"VIDEO GAMES!" Her voice was so loud that my parents came back into the living room to see what was wrong. They find no problem and soon disappear back into the kitchen. We all laugh at Sam and shush her.

"Owen, where's my phone?" I ask the thought coming to my mind. He hands it over with hesitation and his eyes stare into mine like he wants to say something.

"So? Video games?" Sam asks excited

"You can," I reply not really wanting to play video games right now. I look down at my phone to find no new messages. Sam and Owen turn on the Xbox and get two controllers for each of them. Lily and I both have our phones out doing something on them and we move to each end of the couch to sit down.

I open my app two dots and play it for a while but get bored, standing up I walk up to my room. I lay in my bed staring at the sealing wanting to take a nap. My eyes slowly start to close and I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

•••••••••••••••• 6:40 P.M. ••••••••••••••

I wake with barely any light shining through my window and the faint sound of music. Thats weird, I must've been asleep for a long time. I slowly stand up to turn on my bedroom light. When I turn it on I let out a squeak and place my hand over where my heart is in surprise.

"Finally! You've been asleep forever!" Carson says laying on the ground. He hits Nolan on his arm who has headphones in and is blasting music through them that you can hear all the other side of my room. He still doesn't get Nolan's attention so he waves his hand in front of Nolan's face only to be grabbed and twisted.

Nolan pulls a headphone out of his ear.

"What?" He says plainly

"Ow god let go, Grace's awake." Carson says hitting Nolan's hand and trying to make him release his hand.

"I'm not the one who wanted to come here and annoy her," Nolan says letting go of Carson's hand.

"I didn't come here to annoy her, I came here because I was bored and... needed someone to annoy." Carson says rubbing his wrist. Nolan shakes his head amused and puts his headphone back in.

"You know I'm right here?" I ask pointing to myself

"That's the point." Carson says

"How did you get in here?" I ask, my mom wouldn't just let some random guys she barely knows come into my room while I was asleep, would she?

"You ask way too many questions, but your house really is easy to enter without permission." He says and my jaw drops even though I shouldn't be surprised.

"So you broke into my house." I state and Carson shakes his head repeatedly.

"No, I wouldn't put it that way." He says

"Then what way would you put it?" I ask ready to kick them out of my room.

"Walking into your unlocked house without anyone knowing we're here and going through your things." Carson says shrugging like its no big deal.

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- Your Geek,

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