Chapter 19

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He leads me to sit on the couch with him as Van goes into the kitchen. I hear a really loud crash and look towards where it came from and see Safety and two other men. These men don't wear masks, instead they looked like normal guys dressed casually. Valt and Van instantly tense up. Valt effortlessly pulls me up off of the couch I just sat down on.

"If I tell you to run you better haul your ass out of hear, okay?" Valt whispers to me and stands in front of me.

"I think you have something of mine," Safety's voice booms through the room.

"We had a deal, the girl's mine." Valt replies while Van walks over and stands beside me. The two men step forward but as they step forward Silver's flash of light brightens the room from behind me and he appears.

"Silver, it's so nice of you to join us." Safety says

"Fuck off asswhole," Silver replays sounding really pissed

"Now, that's no way to speak to your father." Safety says

"Your the farthest thing from a father." Silver states and walks over to me and pulls me close to him. His arms are across my shoulders as he pulls me away from everyone. I close my eyes knowing that silver will dance across my eyes soon but it never does. I reopen my eyes and Silver isn't behind me anymore. How's that possible? I would've felt if Silver moved.

I look around seeing everyone fighting and more guys entering the room. Silver starts to take on two big guys, one with a knife. The more guys that come in their odds of winning the fight becomes slimmer, unless they can get extra help. I back away not wanting to get in the middle of the battle. I don't know what they're fighting over but.. it seems serious. My back hits something hard and I turn around to see what I've hit, Safety.

I start to change my route and go back into the battle to avoid him. It's too late, he grabs me and I freeze. I can't move, I can't scream, I can't do anything. I move without me actually moving myself, somethings doing this to me and Im scared because cant stop it. I'm moving towards the entrance with Safety following me closely behind.

I catch a glimpse of Silver fighting with the guys and it doesn't look good. Silver has cuts covering his suit and gashes on his exposed skin. Many guys surround him many with knives but what catches my eye the most is a man with a taser directly behind Silver. I want to scream at him, warn him, but I can't. I can't control my own body and I'm getting pissed at myself that I can't help Silver in any way.

I try to send him a message but I don't think he ever gets it and even if he did its too late. The taser zaps and Silver jolts but doesn't seem majorly effected by it. I mentally sigh in relief that he isn't hurt much worse than he already is. The men surrounding him zone in on him, he is left with only one way to escape. I walk out of the entrance taking me out of the view of the fight.

I walk to a car, open the door, and sit down in the seat. How can someone have so much power over someone else, it's not right. The only thing I have left is control over are my thoughts and emotions. Safety soon climbs in after me.

"We've warned you before that if you still hang around them, you will go down with them, and I will personally take out every person you care for, have cared for, and know. I will leave you too die last so you can watch them drop one by one." Safety repeats his warning to me, I want to respond to him but I can't, I just stay facing forward.

"Too bad it's too late, we've already got Silver. Now all we have to do is wait for his friends come to the rescue." He continues as the car comes to a stop and we climb out. Safety takes me into a small house and brings me down a set of stairs that lead into the basement. The basement isn't like normal ones though, it has many rooms with metal doors.

I walk through a open door, only to have the metal door slammed shut behind me. I fall to the ground from being released from Safety's control. I pull myself weakly to the back wall and cry. I cry so hard that it hurts to breath, I cry for what I've gotten into, for Silver, I cry just because. Because I'm human and I have emotions.

It feels like hours but its probably only thirty minutes later that I hear the door open and a thud. I look up seeing a beaten and bruised Silver lying on the ground barely conscious.

I wipe my tears so he wont notice. I then move over to him quickly and try to move him over to the wall to lean against it. I examine his cuts and soon to be bruises to estimate how bad he's injured. They seem to be bad but will heal over time. Why would he stay and fight? He could of transported himself out of there or what ever he calls it.

"It will be okay," Silver says so quietly I almost don't hear him.

"I promise," He's making a promise he most likely can't keep but I trust him anyway.

"Okay," I say trusting him, even though I know he's giving me false hope. He puts his arm over my shoulder and pulls me close to him. I rest my head on his shoulder carefully trying not to hurt him.

"Why did you stay and fight?" I voice my question from earlier.

"I couldn't leave you alone, with those asswhole's." Silver says spitting the last few words out like they are venom. I don't respond, silence fills the room until we hear the door opening and two thuds. We both look up and laying on the ground are Van and Valt. I hurry over to them,checking them over. They don't seem as badly hurt as Silver, but they are both unconscious. I need to wake them up, do I start with Van.

"Slap him, that always works and they deserve it." Silver says the last words so quiet I almost don't hear him.

"I am not going to slap him," I refuse

"You're try to wake him up right?" He asks and I nod.

"So slap him." he says with a smirk on his battered and bruised face knowing I'm going to give in and slap him. I close my eyes and slap Van softly.

"You have to slap him harder," Silver says in amusement. I keep my eyes closed and slap as hard as I can. The sound echo's throughout the small room waking Valt up but Van still lays in front of me asleep.

"What the fu-" Valt starts to say but is cut off by Silver.

"Don't finish that sentence, asswhole." Silver says over Valt. I'm really surprised Van still hasn't waken up yet. I take a good look around the room noticing some spots in the wall that are thin.

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- Your Geek,

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