Chapter 32

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It's been three days since Silver kissed me and told me everything. In those three days we've became closer, we haven't kissed again to to my disappointment. I'd never admit it to anyone but I think I like him. I really hope he's not listening to my thoughts right now and doesn't feel the same way.

The doorbell rings and I run downstairs to answer it. I open it to find Austin and his parents. I move to let them in and shout to my parents that they're here. I close the door as my parents come down stairs. They greet each other and I pull Austin upstairs with me. The second I close my door he starts pacing.

"Did you know our parents have arranged for us to go on a date?" He asks me completely freaking out.

"No and my parents aren't like that, they wouldn't force me to do something I don't want to." I tell him

"Well apparently you haven't met mine." He tells me

"Calm down, we aren't going to go on a date." I tell him trying to make sense of all of this. He takes a deep breath and sits down on my bed.

"My girlfriends going to be so mad when I tell her about this." He says rubbing his face with his hands.

"Your parents don't know about her? I'm assuming." I ask

"They do, just.. you see... they don't know that I'm still with her." He says nervously

"Why?" I ask in confusion.

"They don't like her very much, she doesn't come from a family with money." He says angrily

"It will be okay," I tell him

"How can you say that?" He asks getting angrier, not at me, or at least I hope not.

"If they do make us go on a date and I mean if, we could just go and do our own thing. When the date is supposed to be over we can meet up and you can drop me off pretending that we actually went on a date." I tell him, shrugging. He sighs in relief that I had a idea.

"But, I doubt that will happen." I tell him, laying down on my bed. Silver flashes across the room and Silver appears in his costume.

"Does he do this all the time?" Austin asks quietly.

"You get used to it," I tell him shrugging.

"I heard something about a date." He says crossing his arms, making them bulge. I hum in response, trying to focus on his face.

"So, then lets make it clear that your not available to anyone." He says making me really nervous. Is he being serous? He takes off his mask, showing his true identity in front of Austin.

"Tell anyone and your dead." Silver threatens

'You just shown Austin who you really are, why'd you do it?' I ask him in my mind so Austin can't hear us.

'For you, I'd do anything.' He says sweetly and I awe inside.

"I will be back," He tells us aloud, confusing me.

"Where are you going?" I ask him

"You'll see," He says disappearing, leaving a trail of silver behind him.

"And that's your?" Austin asks me and I shrug not really knowing what we are.

"I don't even know," I tell him

"What do you think his going to do?" He asks me.

"I have no idea, when it comes to him." I answer honestly.

The doorbell rings downstairs. I ignore it knowing that my parents are closer to it. My Mom shouts at me to come downstairs, I comply with Austin following closely behind. When we reach the stairs I have a clear view of the front door, Silver stands in it with a comply different out fit on.

"Who is this?" Austin's mother asks me.

"I'm her boyfriend," Silver answers.

"I wasn't aware that you had a boyfriend Grace." She says looking at my mother irritated.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend either. Why didn't you tell me?" She asks looking hurt.

Silver walks over to me, pushing past everyone in his way. He puts his arms around my shoulders, pulls me close, and kisses me. This is the third kiss we've had, it's not like I'm counting. Okay, maybe I am. Silver pulls away and I blush really hard, I probably look redder than a tomato. My Dad looks angry, eh, he's just being a Dad.

"You ready to go?" He asks me, it's like he's trying to piss off my parents.

"Yep," I say popping the p.

He pulls away and grabs my hand, leading us out of the house. Both of my parents jaw drop to the ground. If they liked Silver before, they probably love him now. Note the sarcasm at the end. They actually have never met Max, they met Silver but, not Max. Well, now they have met both which is basically the same guy.


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-Your Geek,

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