Chapter 29

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It's been a day since I went to the dinner with my parents. Austin and I have been texting non stop, we actually had a lot in common. After all the awkwardness, we started talking and somehow we just clicked.

"Who are you texting?" My Mom asks me taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"Austin," I tell her nonchalantly

"What are you talking about?" She asks

"Random things," I tell her nonchalantly

"That tells me a lot," She says rolling her eyes at me

"Do you want to watch a show?" She asks changing the subject.

"What show?" I answer her question with a question

"I don't know, we need to find a new one." She tells me grabbing the TV remote and turning on Netflix. She starts going through Netflix looking for something interesting for us to watch. She chooses a show and it starts to load.

"Are you ready for school?" She asks me

"Don't mention that place, it gives me nightmares." I tell her seriously. The show starts before she can saying anything else. I might do well in school but that does not mean that I like that place.

My Mom starts getting comfortable on the couch, putting a blanket over her and laying down. I go into the kitchen to grab some snacks. I don't watch the show but instead use it as back ground noise as I text Austin. My Mom falls asleep minutes later, like always. She can never stay awake when we watch something.

'I'm coming over," Silver's voice rings through my head.

'Why?' I ask back

'I'm bored,' he tells me and I roll my eyes at him.

I know that he won't come through the front door like a normal person but, instead will appear in my room so, I get ready to go to my room. I turn off the TV and put my snacks back into the kitchen. I walk upstairs to my room, opening the door. I was right, he lays on my bed with his arms above his head. I lay down next to him, close, but not that close.

"So when you're bored this is now your go to place?" I ask

"Pretty much," He says staring at my ceiling as I do the same.

"So, you only keep me around so you can bug me when your board?" I ask jokingly.

"Yes," He says feigning seriousness. My phone buzzes and I take it out to check it but before I can Silver takes it out of my hands.

"Who's this? Austin.Wait, is this that guy that was there that night?" He asks with something in his voice

"Ya," I say

"Why are you talking to him?" He asks sounding.. Jealous? No he can't be jealous, right?

"I'm not jealous," He tells me and he suddenly pins my arms down above my head, hovering above me. He realizes what he did and releases my arms but still hovers above me.

We are so close that our noses brush against each other. We both lean closer to each other, our lips lightly touch. We are interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Fuck," Silver curses before disappearing

The door opens revealing my Dad. I blush thinking about what just happened. He looks at me curiously, but doesn't question it.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asks me, looking around my room suspiciously.

"I don't know," I tell him

"Okay, just wanted to ask. I think it might be a fend for yourself night since your moms asleep."

"Was some in here earlier? I heard someone's voice." He asks me.

"No, I was on the phone with Sam." I easily lie. This is not good for me, lying I mean.

"Oh- okay," He says leaving my room, closing the door behind him. Silver reappears minutes later, I didn't expect him to though.

He lays back down next to me. We both stay quiet but, it's not a awkward silence instead, it's comforting. Somehow our hands find each others. His hand is cold, but not in a way that I'd want to let go. Thinking about it brings a cheesy saying to my mind The colder the hands, the warmer the heart. I wonder if mine is the same in his.

My phone buzzes and I grab it to check it. Silver grabs it out of my hands like before placing it on the other side of him.


I found a song that I thought would sort of describe how Silver would feel during part of this chapter! It's in the YouTube video! Please listen to it, don't just listen to the song, listen to the words, the meaning, and feel the emotion. It will give you a better understanding of how he feels about her in that moment, laying next to her.

It's called:

Make Damn Sure by Taking Back Sunday

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-Your Geek,

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