Chapter 30

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•••••••••••• Three Days Later •••••••••••

I hold onto Silvers arm with a death grip. Carson's driving and lets just say that it's not the safest. I don't understand how Sliver and the others aren't fearing for their lives right now. The car takes a sharp turn and I slide across the seat. This car doesn't have a seatbelt a in the backseats.

So, earlier today the guys came over asking if I wanted to hang out with them. I said 'sure' thinking that Id be safe and all would be good. Then they take me outside and we get into Carson's car, that's where I went wrong.

"How did you get your license?" I ask curiously

"I don't have one," He says looking back at me

"Carson! Eyes on the road!" I scream at him and he turn back around. Not like its going to make a difference.

"Fine," He says

"Are we almost there, please tell me we are?" I ask Silver hopefully

"Yep," He says

"Oh- thank god!" I says sounding dramatic.

"He's not that bad at driving," He tells me like I'm just being over dramatic.

"Are you being serious?" I ask holding onto his arm tighter, not because if him but because Carson is about to take another sharp turn.

"Ya," He says

"His driving seriously doesn't scare the living hell out of you?" I ask giving him a look of disbelief.

"What," He says and I just shake my head at him. The car takes a sudden stop and I go flying but before I can hit anything Silver grabs me.

"We're here!" Carson says excitedly. I look out the window and we are in a field.

"What are we doing here?" I ask to no one in particular.

"You'll see," Nolan says

"What do you-" before I can finish my question Carson starts driving full speed in different directions. Thanks to Silver holding my arm, I didn't go flying. After a while, I start to get used to Carson's driving and I don't hate his driving as much as I did.

Everyone takes turns driving, except me. I refuse, I don't know how to drive. We leave and go to a gas station. Carson puts gas in his car as we all go inside to get drinks. I get my usual drink, Dr. Pepper. We all get up to the register to pay but when I get my money out to pay, Silver blocks my hand. He pays for both of us and leads me back out to the car.

"Why'd you do that? I can pay for myself." I say rolling my eyes at him

"I know you can," He tells me as we reach the car.

"Wait who's driving? If its Carson his cars going to be covered in our drinks." I ask him, the thought suddenly popping into my mind. The guys suddenly catch up to us with their drinks in hand.

"Nolan, you know your my favorite." I tell Nolan, which isn't really a lie. He's one of my favorite's. He smirks at my comment and Carson's jaw drops.

"Yes, now what do you want?" He asks knowing there's a catch.

"Will you drive, your better than Carson." I tell him getting closer and whispering the last part to him.

"Sure," He says with no complaint

"Your hurting Carson's feelings," Ian tells me, laughing.

"Carson your one of my favorites too," I tell Carson and he smirks.

"I knew it!" he exclaims, hugging the life out of me. Seriously, I can't breath.

"Carson, I can't breath." I say pausing after each word. He pulls away and smiles sheepishly at me. We pile into the car and they take me back to my house. When I get out Silver follow's me.

"I'm going to stay," He tells them and the car speeds off. I walk up to the front door and unlock it with my key. Ignoring him I walk into the house, I find my parents in the living room watching TV.

"Grace, do you want to- oh we have company." My Dad says when he sees Silver walk through the door behind me.

"Ya, we're going up to my room." I tell him and start to head upstairs.

"Keep you door open!" I hear him shout at me when we reach my room. I roll my eyes at him as Silver lays down on my bed. I lay down next to him and his hand finds mine. He brings my freezing hands to his lips and kisses them.


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-Your Geek,

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