Chapter 31

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Silver and I must have fallen asleep last night. I'm currently laying with my head on his chest, his eyes are closed. I pull myself off of him. He stirs but doesn't awaken. Walking over to my bathroom, I am suddenly pushed up against the wall.

Silver stand in front of me with his arm over my neck. He doesn't scare me, I know Silver would never do anything to intentionally hurt me.His eyes widen in realization, he immediately pulls away from me.

He tries to leave but I grab his arm stopping him. He's scared of something, I just don't know what. Pulling him into a tight hug, was what first came to mind when I seem him face. It was full of regret, fright, and many other things.

"It's okay," I tell him and he just nods in reply. He hugs back after a while, taking a deep breath. His heavy arms are rapped around my small shoulders.

"Why weren't you scared?" He asks me after many minutes of silence.

"Why would I be?" I answer his question with a question.

"I'm not the good guy, you know." He tells me

"To me you are," I tell him truthfully, he's not one of the bad guys, he saved me.

"That's different, it's you." He says sounding honest.
"How so?" I ask him in confusion.

"If you weren't the one kidnapped, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't care if Safety..." He trails off at the end, I don't question him about what his father would do. I know he doesn't want me to. He tightens his arms around me, pulling me closer and buying my face in his chest.

"Why do you hate Safety so much?" the question slips out of my mind and I instantly regret it.

"I'll tell you later,"

"You don't have to, if you don't want to I mean. It was inconsiderate of me to ask that, I am so sorry-" I rush out and am cut off by Silver putting his hand over my mouth.

"I'll tell you when I get back," He tells me walking backwards and disappearing. I start getting ready for the day when he leaves with my normal routine. He reappears an hour later as I lay on my bed thinking.

He walks over and shuts my bedroom door before walking over to my bed and laying down next to me. He grabs my hand, probably trying to prepare
himself for what he's about to say.

"Do you know Safety is my biological father?" He asks me and I nod.

"When I was little he was around, it wasn't because he loved us. My mom fell in love with him and would do anything for him to stick around. She wanted me to have a father." He takes a pause and squeezes my hand.

"She gave him money, that's why he stayed. In his mind money buys love, he doesn't love anyone, he isn't capable of it. Instead of loving people he loves their money. Every week he would come and collect, at one point he took so much we had to live in our car." He takes another pause.

"One day he came late, it was midnight and he was drunk. I was only seven, my Mom gave him what she normally does but it wasn't enough. He beat her until she was unable to move but just conscious enough so she could watch him beat me. I remember her begging him to stop, he wouldn't. I was only fucking seven, I was confused. I didn't know why, why he was doing this to me." He says angry, staring up at the sealing. A single tear rolls down his cheek and a tear rolls down mine. I don't like seeing him cry, it makes my heart break inside.

"My Mom hid our bruises but it became worse and every week he would come drunker then the last. When my mom finally had enough of it and realized what they have isn't love we moved. When I was twelve he found us, and we moved again. He found us two more times and every time I became better at protecting us but it was never enough he brought guys with him, more every time."

"When I met Ian, he told me he could help. He selected Carson, Nolan, and I to give us powers. We were asked before, he didn't know what powers each of us would get. We could have separated and did our own things but, we all just didn't want to I guess. Safety found a way to get powers as well, I don't know how." He says, moving closer to me.

"He makes everything he does look like he's the good guy, it's all just a cover up. Last month a bank was robbed, it was his guys. He turned his men in and kept the money. I want to show everyone that he's not the guy he seems, I don't care if people are hurt or even killed." He tells me

"I won't let anyone I care about get hurt, I won't let you get hurt." He says pushing a strand of loose hair behind my ear and kisses me.


I ship Mace!!

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-Your Geek,

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