Chapter 15

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"Hey give me that," Owen says reaching out towards the cup in Sam's hand still looking at the screen. Instead of grabbing the cup he dumps it onto her face. She closes her eyes and wipes them with her hands but when she opens them the look on her face could murder. She takes a deep breath clinching her pale fists tightly.

I move slowly to sit beside my dad so he can give me protection from a angry Sam. She isn't someone you want to mess mess with when they're angry once she threw one of her moms heels at Lily because she turned of the game while she was in the middle of playing it, it just barely missed Lily but got bulls eye on the TV. I don't want to be the one standing in the way of her wrath.

"I'd run if I were you," My dad says making Sam's glare turn towards him.
I have never seen Owen run faster in his life. My dad puts his hands up in surrender.

"I was just giving him a head start, the knives are in the kitchen." He says innocently shrugging, he's acting like he didn't put someone's life at stake. Sam gets up to head towards the kitchen but I jump up and hold her back before she reaches the door way.

"Let me go," She says now directing her fury towards me now.

"No, you have to promise me you won't kill him." I say struggling to block her path

"I promise, I'll just hurt him.... just enough to satisfy me and not send him to the hospital." She says not looking as threatening to me as before now that I actually process what she actually looks like with pop (its soda for you weird people don't know what it is, its going to be called my preferred term in this book so remember its soda) dripping down her face.

I will not laugh, I will not laugh, I repeat this over and over agin to myself but I still burst out laughing at the girl in front of me that I call my best friend. She narrows her eyes at me.

"What?" She says sounding a little self conscious about herself mixed with anger.

"Your face," I say trying to sober up from my laughter.

"Let me go," She says and I sober up as soon as those words leave her mouth. Im brought back to the situation before me.

"No," I say pushing her back further away from the kitchen

"I will pick you up and bring you with me," she says pushing me towards the kitchen

"No you won't," I say not taking her seriously but she does. She. Actually. Picked. Me. Up. I can't believe her, Im heavy how could she do that. Im halfway off of her shoulder as she carries me into the kitchen then I remember my dad and Lily are still in the room.

"Dad! Lily! Help me!" I say panicked but they just laugh at me. Sam walks into the kitchen and towards the knives.

"Which one?" She asks running her fingers over the wooden ends of them. I don't answer her but instead shout for help agin. From the corner of my eye I see her grab a huge butcher knife. She walks through the house looking for Owen but doesn't find him upstairs.

We hear Owens voice downstairs with my dads and Lily's. Se runs down stairs with me screaming for her to stop running with a knife. She's going to get one of us killed running with that knife, If I die today I hope she suffers. When we reach the bottom step we find Owen talking to them as soon as he sees us he backs up into a corner. Not a good idea my friend. She moves us until we are only inches away from him.

"Sam put the knife down." Lily says possibly saving her brothers life.

"Why?" Sam says spinning the knife in her hand.

"I'll break your Xbox game," Lily warns holding a Xbox game in her hands.

"No you won't," Sam replays confidently

"Try me," Lily dares

"You wouldn't," Sam says with her confidence fading

"I would," Sam puts the knife in the ground not wanting to take any chances. She then puts me back on the ground and I can feel a major headache forming from all the blood that was rushed to my head before.

"Now what do you say to each other?" Lily asks more so demands towards Sam and Owen.

"I'm sorry for accidentally knocking the pop into your face." Owen apologizes stretching the word accidentally out.

"And I'm sorry not sorry for trying to kill you, I'd watch my back if I were you." Sam says faking a apologetic look and Lily slaps her arm for her behavior but says nothing.

We sit back in our previous seats, continuing what we were doing before. After a while everyone goes upstairs to my room except for my dad. Me and Lily lay across my bed as Sam walks around my room messing with my things, and Owen sits at my desk. Sam finds my sewing kit and starts messing with the needles, pulling them out to examine them.

"Why did you dump my cup of pop on me?" She asks Owen scaring all of us of what she might do.

"I didn't?" He replays but it comes out more like a question than a answer. Sam starts walking closer to him until she's only a few feet away from him.

This chapter is dedicated to....

Fresh_Swag21 (IDK if I spelled that right, too lazy to check)

As always comment your opinion and what you think will happen next, vote, and SHARING IS CARING!

- Your Geek,

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