Chapter 34

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It's been four days of enjoyable torture, Silver hasn't left my side for a second. I mean I love him and all, wait what, I meant that I like him and all but I need my space. He won't even let me go to the bathroom alone, he waits outside of door, He won't let me leave the house, It's like I'm under house arrest, and He won't let me do anything outside of the house.

"Fine, we're going somewhere today." Silver says giving up. I've been complaining in my mind for hours now, he must have a headache.

"Yay!" I squeal, jumping up to go change.

"Go put a black outfit on that will match your mask." He tells me and I comply. I put on black skinny jeans, A black t- shirt, and my scuffed up black and white converse. I walk out of my closet and Silver tosses me my mask. I have no clue how he found it, I hid it pretty well. Silvers also in his costume or whatever it's called with his mask already on. I put mine on quickly and take his hand.

He pulls me close to him and I close my eyes instantly, knowing what's going to happen next. Silver starts to dance across my eyelids and when it disappears, I open them. I look around to find that we are on top of a small one story building.

"Wait here," He tells me, jumping down and walking to a building across the street. When he goes into the building across the street people start taking pictures of him and soon, the news reporters arrive. Minutes later I see him running out of the building holding a bag, pushing the people in his path. He jumps up, and lands in front of me. The reporters surround the building, all saying almost the exact same thing.

"Who is the girl behind Silver?" This is the only part that stands out to me and I don't know why. Silver pulls me out in front of him and kisses me.

"What are you doing?" I ask after we break apart.

"Giving them something to report about," He reply's smirking. He pulls me close and I immediately close my eyes, silver starts to dance across my eyelids for the second time today. When it stops, I open them. We are now at our rooftop. He sits down on the ledge and opens the bag, pulling something out and putting it in his mouth.

He offers me the bag and I look inside of it. Inside is full of magic, Im kidding, but it's close. It's full of gummy bears, many other candies, and gummy bears. If you didn't get the hint I really really like gummy bears. I attach Silver in a hug, making him fall backwards and me on top of him.

"Thank you!" I squeal, releasing him and start eating the precious candy.

"That candy's also for me," He says trying to take it from me.

"You can have some," I tell him.

"You won't give it to me," He whines and I hold out the bag for him to take some. He takes the bag from me.

"What are we?" I ask out of no where, the question popping into my mind.

"Whatever you want us to be," he tells me

"What do you want us to be?" I ask him, nervous of what he'll say.

"My girlfriend." He answers almost immediately, grabbing my hand.

"Am I your girlfriend?" I ask him trying to clarify things.

"You are," He tells me and kisses my cheek. I grab the bag from him and continue eating the candy. I reach my hand back into the bag and feel nothing. I start to freak out thinking that its gone. I look inside of it and there's no more, this is my worst night mare come true. Silver stands up pulling me with him.

"Come on," He tells me, pulling me close. I close my eyes and silver starts to dance across my eyelids. When it's gone, I open them. We are in my room, I look around and can't help but feel like something's off.



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-Your Geek,

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