Chapter 7 ⚫A love found⚫

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Percy's POV

Thalia looked behind my shoulder and whistled "Who's that?"

I looked over my shoulder. There was a small group consisting of; a girl with her hair in a braid, a pale boy dressed in black (That was Nico, my cousin), a sunny blonde haired boy (I knew him, that was Nico's boyfriend, Will) and...another girl. I didn't see her face. Huh... wonder who it was.

"Oh the pale, skinny guy who looks like he could die any moment is my cousin Nico and the guy beside him is Will-"

"Hold up." Thalia said, raising a hand. "If that's your cousin Nico...then you're..." Her eyes widened. "Percy? Percy Jackson?" She asked, her voice incredulous. Then she snorted "You've grown, dingus." Then she scrunched up her nose" And what did you do to your eyes and hair?"

I bit my lip. How did she know me? But then I looked closely at her eyes, her posture. "Yeah I'm in a disguis-" But then I looked more closely at her eyes, that stormy blue that I had seen many times. "Wait a minute. You're that Thalia?"

"Which other Thalia would I be, idiot."

"I'm sorry You're not hugging random trees anymore."

Thalia glared at me. That still hadnt changed.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but how do you know Percy?" Annabeth asked, her cheeks slightly red from Luke's arm slung across her shoulders. It took all my willpower for me not to clench my fists.

"Thalia's my cousin."

"Oh." Annabeth said but she sounded relieved...I wonder why...

We decide to walk over to them. "Hey Nico. Hey Will." Nico gave me that ghost of a smile and said "Hello Percy." Will gave me a much more cheerful greeting and introduced the girl, Reyna. I happened to glance at Thalia and saw she had a small smile on her face. This was going to be interesting all right.

Then the other girl turned around.

And my whole world fell.


Continuing from Percy's pov

It couldn't be her. The doctors told me she'll die soon. The painful knots in my heart caused by guilt and grief unknotted. She was here. She was alive.

My ex-girlfriend, Calypso.

She took one look at me and tears began to stream down her face. The corridor was empty now, people were at their classes.

"Percy!" She sobbed and lunged at me. Time seemed to slow down. My left hand flew around her waist like it had so many times and my right hand settled in her hair. She kissed me, and I could care less if the whole world was watching, all I cared was that she was alive and she was in front of me.

She ran her fingers through my hair and put her head on my shoulder. I buried my face in her hair, taking in the familiar scent of her garden, the wet soil from the rain, the flowers, roses, everything.

I could feel everybody's smiles on the back of my head. They all knew what had happened. Except Annabeth. As me and Calypso drew away, I caught the confusion on Annabeth's face. She didn't know what happened. And I didn't intend for her to.

Thalia surged forward and hugged Calypso. Luke nodded at her.

I pulled Nico aside. "Why didn't you tell me she was alive?" I shout whispered at him.

Nico smiled and shook his head. "We found out today as well. I wanted to keep it a surprise."

"Percy, would you like to introduce me to her?" Annabeth asked. I winced. I'd almost forgotten she was there. Almost. Just because the love of my life was there didn't mean the girl I was heads over heels just a minute ago would be forgotten. Plus Annabeth looked busy with Luke.

"Oh yeah. So uh Annabeth, this is Calypso, my girlfriend, and Calypso, this is Annabeth my..." I wasn't sure what to call her. "My friend."

Annabeth set her mouth into a hard line. Her face was stony but I didn't know why.

Calypso gave Annabeth a warm smile "Hi Annabeth! Nice to meet you!"

Annabeth smiled back "Same here."

"So." I said turning back to Cal and resting my forehead on hers. "What do you want to do?" She snorted. "Attend English perhaps?" I pulled away and groaned. "I was thinking of ditching school and going to that new ice cream place."

She swatted my arm. It might just be a swat but that HURT. She folded her arms. "Perseus Achilles Jackson, you are NOT skipping school on the first day." She sounded like my mother. I made my best pouty face and sighed. "Yes ma'am." I teased her. She unfolded her arms and giggled.

Wait. Her giggle didn't sound as...intoxicating to me now as it did before. Earlier, I used to get lost in her laugh and go to Percyland.

But now...My eyes widened, I couldn't be falling out of love with her could I? I mean 1 year is a pretty damn long time to be away from someone.

Calypso looked at me. Her almond eyes were lost in thought and I wondered if she was thinking the same thing.

A/N: HEY Y'ALL! PHEW! That was a long chapter! About 900 words! So, now that Percy's ex girlfriend is back, when will we find out what made her end up in the hospital in the first place? Will Annabeth choose Luke or Percy? A hundred questions but you'll get your answer soon.


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Unclerickdabest, out.

A Life Of Love | Percabeth AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now