Chapter 26 ⚫Help⚫

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Annabeth's POV:

The next few days were uneventful, just the same old school days. I was happy with Percy, and it all felt perfect. Maybe a bit too perfect for my liking. When things have been good for over a day, you start to get suspicious.

Well, I got my wish alright.

It was Saturday morning, and I had slept over at Percy's. I stretched and yawned, looking at Percy's head, buried in his pillow.

"Oh, shoot." I checked the time, it was 10 am. I needed to get home, I had breakfast plans with the family.

I got out of bed and slipped my extra set of clothes on. I tiptoed out of the house and shut the door behind me.

As I stood, waiting for my Uber, a truck pulled up. I frowned, looking around "There aren't many houses in this area. Or any construction sites." I muttered.

I shrugged and looked down at my phone, scrolling through Instagram. Then a guy jumped down from the truck and started walking towards me. "Hi, how may I help you?" I smiled at him. He grabbed my wrist. My phone fell to the ground. I adjusted it a bit with my foot.

I stopped breathing. More guys came down, three...four...five. They all surrounded me and grinned "You're coming with us, princess." Panic filled me. "HELP! ANYONE, PLEASE!" I shrieked, forcing fake tears out of my eyes. It would be best if they underestimated me. Makes the job easier.

The guy holding my wrist smirked and looked back at his comrades "This one's weak, eh? That Calypso girl kneed me in the thigh." He winced at the memory.

I took that moment of hesitation as a sign. I reached forward and grabbed his throat, and felt along his neck, to find the most vulnerable point and pressed it strongly, and he collapsed to the ground. Then I turned to the other guys. "Only five? And all boys?" Then I cracked my knuckles "I'm insulted." I slammed my fist into the second guy's face, effectively cracking his nose.

"Ow! My hand, I think it's broken!" I cried. A third guy was stupid enough to come forward, grabbing my shoulder, but I swept my feet under him and he fell to the road. I punched him in the gut for good measure "Oh, it's fine now!" I waved my hand around.

The other two guys were circling me, taking their time, and I could see they were afraid. "Let me make this simple for you, the first one to arrive will get very badly hurt. Take your time to decide." Boy Number 4, bless his soul, stepped forward bravely and and grabbed my neck, choking me.

I slid my hand under his arm, and judo flipped him over my shoulder, his head slamming into the pavement. He made an effort to grab my feet, but I stomped on his hand.

"Amateurs." I muttered.

Then the fifth dude took out a gun from his back pocket and aimed it at my forehead. I slumped "Aw, couldn't you have taken it out earlier? It would have made thing so much more interesting."

I slid forward and in a swift movement, tried to grab his gun, but he kicked my the back of my legs strongly and I lost my balance, falling to the ground on my knees.

Boy #5 devilishly smiled. He aimed the gun at my head "I wish I could kill you, but alas, we have to take you in alive." Then he pointed it to my shoulder and pulled the trigger.

A hollow sound came out. He frowned. "What the-" I smiled and held up the gun's metal casing that enclosed the bullets. "Idiot." Then I pulled another gun from an unconscious guy beside me and in one swift movement, loaded it, and shot it into Boy #5's leg. I sent up a silent thank you to my dad for teaching me how to work guns.

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