Chapter 15 ⚫Waiting⚫

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Annabeth's POV:

I sighed and impatiently tapped my fingers against the table, my chin in my hand.

Me and Percy went on the date yesterday but today I barely caught him in school. It was lunch and me, Reyna and Thalia were sitting at our usual cafeteria table, talking about the Autumn Dance.

The Autumn dance was always held in the first week of the school, and was meant for us to get to know each other. Well, but it was for senior high schoolers, so it was filled with drinking, crazy dancing, intense makeout sessions and some flying nachos.

I perked up when Hazel and Piper entered the cafeteria, arm in arm and giggling.

We waved them over and they sat down with the brightest smiles on their faces.

"Jason just asked me to the Autumn dance."Piper blurted out.

"Frank just asked me to the Autumn dance." Hazel said at the same time.

Piper and Hazel stared at each other. "You go first." They said at the same time. "No you go first." They said simultaneously again.

I leaned back in my chair, amused as the girls burst into a fit of "No, you!" and giggling.

Thalia rolled her eyes and said, "Stop acting like 5 year olds, you guys are already dating. Why wont they ask you to the dance?" Piper shrugged.

Reyna cleared her throat and gestured to Thalia. "Uh...Thalia I have something to ask you. In private." Reyna then strode out with a grinning Thalia on her heels.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. Piper and Hazel stared at me with sympathy.

"So, no word from Percy?" Hazel asked. I slowly shook my head. "I saw him a couple times in classes, and he smiled or winked at me, but we didn't get a chance to talk."

Piper shook her head. "So who will you go to the dance with?"

I shrugged. "Surprisingly, a lot of guys asked me out but I just told them I'd reply later." I sadly smiled "I don't know if Percy will even ask me."

"Speak of the devil." Piper whispered, leaning across the table. I looked up, my back straighter.

Percy walked into the cafeteria, his eyes looking around. When he saw me, he grinned and waved. I awkwardly waved back as he came towards us and slid in beside me. I immediately felt better as his sea scent filled the air. I thought about kissing him but it was too awkward since we weren't official.

"Hey Pipes, Hazel. And Wisegirl." He turned to me and we were so close that our noses were almost brushing. I gave him a bright smile. I caught Luke staring at me from his friend group at the corner of the room, behind Percy. Luke quickly looked away.

Percy huffed and leaned back. "Guys...I have some bad news."

We all got alert. "Is Sally alright?" I asked, shocked.

Percy chuckled. "Mom's fine Annabeth. I- I uh I wont be able to come to the dance." He looked down. "Me and Paul were planning to take my mom to Montauk, since she desperately needed a break with her new novel and then the baby and everything. We'll be leaving on the night of the dance. I didn't tell Paul or mom about this since they were so excited for the Montauk trip. We decided this yesterday morning only. And since we weren't on the best terms then, I just thought..."

I felt miserable. I'd been planning for this dance since the first day of school. But I shook it off and put on a brave smile. Sally deserved to be with her amazing son for a weekend. I gently put my hand on Percy's arm.

"It's okay Seaweed Brain. Sure I'll miss you, but your mom needs this. You need this." Percy looked up, his beautiful sea green eyes sparkling. "You sure, Annabeth?" I poked his nose. "Positive."


I quickly scribbled down notes as Mr. Miller wrote some things on the board.

The bell rung and I groaned in frustration while the rest of the class silently cheered. Those uncultured swines. How could they not like English?! I had dyslexia and yet I was more interested in English than most of the whole school combined.

As I was walking out the classroom I caught a chocolate brown haired guy with electric blue eyes. Brad Smith. He was a HUGE fan of architecture and he had also asked me to the autumn dance.

I walked over to him. "Hey Brad." I smiled. He gave me a dazzling smile back, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling. "Hey, Annabeth."

I hesitated. But then I thought 'Well technically Percy isnt your boyfriend right? And you can go to the dance if it it is just for fun.'

Then without hesitation or uncertainty I told Brad. "I'll go to the dance with you."

A/N BRADABETHHHHHHHHHH! I'm going to make you all suffer.


Unclerickdabest, out.

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