Chapter 46

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Warning: Disturbing content


" I have to run away from this hell ! But how? " From the past 2 hours I have been continuously searching for a way to escape. 

I can't live with them. Not anymore.

I opened my door and looked outside there were several maids working around the hallway and 2 guards standing outside by my room . I don't know is this for me or something going around in this house , weirdly the security system has been tightened to the extent no one without permission can enter or go outside of this mansion. Ofcourse there were guards earlier too but at this amount? no .

Even if I deceive this guards by going outside of this room but what about the maids working downstairs? The guards on every corner of the house? The guards standing near the main door ? Not to forget the seven devils who will be watch my every move from the cameras attached to the every corner of this mansion?

' Can I really run away from this house deceiving everyone? ' This is the vary thought that was going through my mind again and again.

" No right? " My subconscios spoke making me chuckle at the pathetic state i was in. God must really be testing me .

What? Isn't it pathetic enough? My life?

Even if i succeed from running away from them but is there any guarantee that I won't get caught? And what about the consequences i am going to face after getting caught by them?

My body shivered thinking about their cruel punishments which will befall upon me.

1 hours past as I sat on the floor staring blankly at any direction drowning deep in my thoughts.  For how many days am I going to be held captive? 1 ? 2 ? Or 5 years ? Or for all my life ?

Is this how I am going to live for the rest of my life ?Being tortured and raped again and again? Being helpless and pitiful ? When in my whole eternity of my life I have never harmed a single person?

I think there is only one way put of this hell ..... and that is by my death. 

I stood up from the floor searching for anything like a madman . Tears that blured my eyesight but i harshly wiped it off my face.

" Please anything " I cursed holding my head when i found nothing . When suddenly a thought striked me and i hurriedly ran towards the bathroom.

Ruffling through the cupboard i found the thing i want. A razor.

Separating the blade from the razor , i threw the razor on the tiles and took out the blade.

I sighed gulping down my crys as i tightened my fist and held it infront and placed the sharp blade neary my wrist. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath with one single strock i slithered the skin making my warm blood pour out and dropped on the white marbles staining it with crimson color of my blood.

I hissed in pain when i realized its affect on my skin but it didn't stop me from making another cut on my wrist again but this time the cut was deep enough . Threwing the metal blade on the floor , I sat on the empty bathtub and kept the shower nob open .

The sound of the water dropping from the shower and my low pace breath were the only sound which filled this  white marbled bathroom . Blood was dozing out of my wrist like water and time was passing by as slowly as possible .

Too slowly for me to look around the expensive bathroom and closing my eyes again . I know suicide is not an option and I won't be forgiven ever by God for this act but I tierd....

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