Chapter 251 - 255

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Luo Xun would like to use his foot to kick Zhang Yi from the table. Because this was the fifth piece of meat snatched from his chopsticks. Five times! His meat!

He was not robbing the silky fish balls, specifically staring at the meat. Beef, mutton, and bird slices. Even more exasperating was dipped the meat in both soups, his chopsticks had never stopped.

Luo Xun grabbed meat and directly stuffed it into his mouth. Even more annoying was Zhang Yi could use his wind ability to help and Wang Duo also added meat to his bowl. Fortunately, thanks to the large number of mutton slices they cut, they still had some left over in the fridge.

Suddenly, Xu Mei stood up, rolled up her sleeves and picked up the largest empty place and then handed it to Song Lingling. "Bring back a plate."

"Oh." Song Lingling went straight to the freezer but also did not forget to say, "Xu Mei, help grab some meat!"


The thin slices of meat could be dipped in the pot and then fished out to eat. Everyone saw Xu Mei's actions and were ready to take action. Without waiting for Song Lingling to come back, the meat in the pot was instantly gone.

Song Lingling came back with a plate of mutton slices only to see the few remaining pieces of meat. Her head had black lines, "I should have filled the pot with meat instead."

"Give it to me, you go get some more." Xu Mei poured the slices of meat into the two sides of the pot while telling Song Lingling to grab more.

Sure enough, when Song Lingling came back with more mutton, the meat in the pot was already gone.

But this time it was not as crazy. With their bellies filled with meat, they started to pick at other favorite ingredients.

Full on lamb. Luo Xun had heard this sentence before but not understood the least until today...

He paused his chopsticks when thought about how much he had eaten, but after a while, he wondered if he had eaten too many peppers...but then he ate some more.

In the afternoon, he had to lie in the recliner while rubbing his stomach.

Yan Fei also helped the baby eat lunch and coaxed him to sleep. After the baby was in the cradle, he went to check on Luo Xun. "Still uncomfortable?"

"Yeah..." Luo Xun hummed, "It's all Zhang Yi's fault, if it weren't for him I would not have eaten so much." He got sucked into the atmosphere. When others were snatching food, of course he would retaliate? It was normal to eat more right?

Yan Fei helplessly held Luo Xun's hand and gently rubbed.

Luo Xun put his head against Yan Fei's chest and winked. "Before the apocalypse I actually forgot to prepare stomach medicine at home, what an oversight..."

Who would have thought that one could eat and eat during the apocalypse? It was a dream that Luo Xun had never entertained in his life. After all, even if they ate their fill of high quality crops, they were still vegetables! But this was meat! Real meat!

Yan Fei helplessly smiled. "I remember that the hawthorn tree is ripe? I'll go down and pick a few for you."

"Yes, I definitely feel like having some."

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