Academy Chapter 5: The Calm Before the Storm

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 9: The Calm Before the Storm

At the Gates of Konoha

The team gazed upon the giant gates of Konoha, which stretched high into the air, and couldn't be happier to see the first sight of home. They were greeted by two Chunin, named Kamizuki Izumo and Hagane Kotetsu, who were aptly nicknamed the 'eternal gate guards', because they had, at some point, started to only take gate guard duty. Other Chunin began to stop taking the gate guard missions, as they were already always taken by the pair, and it became unofficially official, that the gates were their duty.

"Let's get this troublesome process over with." The leader of the returning team told his team. He greeted the guards with a lazy wave. "Team Suzaku returning from a mission in Kusagakure (Hidden Grass Village). Jonin Nara Suzaku, Chunin Inuzuka Hana, Chunin Aburame Muta, Chunin Uchiha Izumi all accounted for."

"Geez Suzaku-taichou would it kill you to show a little energy in this last leg of our mission?" Izumi asked her Jonin leader for the mission to Kusa.

"I'll need to save what's left for the report to the Hokage, Izumi. Give me a break." The lazy Jonin told the girl as he hung his head in response to her nagging. She'd been like that all mission. He eventually even turned over most of the negotiating duties over to the Uchiha Chunin, only adding his advice and opinions when absolutely necessary. He would say he just wanted to give some negotiating experience to the promising Chunin, but Izumi knew he was just being a lazy bastard, just like the rest of his clan.

The team had just spent the last 3 months in Kusa, negotiating better trade deals, and strengthening their relationship. The team was handpicked by the Hokage for their skills, Suzaku for his intelligence and sharp mind, Muta for his logical and rational decision making, Izumi for her high EQ and ability to empathize and connect with people, and finally Hana was chosen for her ability to support her team with her medical and combat skills, while still being one of the more level headed members of the Inuzuka Clan.

The team had achieved more than what they had aimed for, and the team was excited to report their success to the Hokage. Well, at least the Chunin were. The Jonin captain found it troublesome to report all of the details of their agreements. It would take hours to explain everything. Hours he could have spent lazily watching the clan's deer herd.

They walked towards the Hokage tower, taking in the sight of their village. They had missed it after all. For 3 months they were away in Kusa, a minor village, and even though it was one of the bigger ones, it still couldn't compare in scale or grandeur to their village, even if it was still recovering.

"Alright, you guys can go off and do your own thing for now. I'll give the oral report to the Hokage. You guys can turn in your written reports tomorrow. Now scram." Suzaku told his team, and his team thanked their lazy captain, before quickly speeding off to do whatever thing they said they would do when they first got back to the village, on their journey back from Kusa.


With Izumi

She had asked around to see where her boyfriend was, only to find out he had been assigned a mission and wasn't in town. It had been 3 months without seeing him, and now she had to wait even longer to see him! She pouted, sticking out her lower lips, as she thought about what she should do next. She looked at the time and realized the Academy would be over for the day soon, and decided to go pick up her favorite brats in the village.

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