Academy Chapter 11: The Founding Clans Return

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 15: The Founding Clans Return

At the Gates of Konoha

Shizune's heart began to flutter with excitement when she saw the tall gates of Konoha once again. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh forest air that surrounded Konoha, and began reminiscing of her time here when she was still a child. She was ready for a fresh new start.

The sight of the gates of Konoha brought mixed feelings for the Slug Sannin, as the last time she left those gates, she remembered turning around to get one last look at the village that caused her so much pain, and vowing to never return. Here she was, more than 9 years later, back at the gates, only to enter the village instead of leaving this time. The pain was still fresh in her mind, but this time, she had something she didn't have last time. She had hope for a better future.

The gate guards weren't paying attention, as gate guard duty was really a boring, if relatively safe and stable, post. They occupied themselves with chatting, board games like chess, checkers, shougi, or go, and other hobbies to pass the time.

"Oi. Izumo. Kotetsu. Are you guys gonna let us in, or are you gonna have us wait here for you to finish your game? By the way Izumo, your queen is in direct line of Kotetsu's bishop. Just saying." The two gate guards heard a familiar voice say to them.

They looked up to see a blonde teen staring at them with his arms crossed. "Well? Any time now?"

They were going to respond, but their words stopped at their throats, when they saw who was behind Naruto. A tall, buxom blonde women with a green haori, and a raven-haired woman in a black kimono who stood next to her, holding a pig. If they didn't know better, they'd think it was-

"Is that Tsunade-sama and Shizune?" Kotetsu asked Izumo, who nodded with his mouth hanging slightly open.

"I-I think so?" Izumo stuttered out.

Tsunade grinned. It was kind of nice being recognized for something other than being a notorious gambler. As long as Naruto kept his smartass mouth shut, she'd leave her shameful days and vulnerable moments behind her, and go with the Sannin image she had built up for herself in Konoha.

"Now that you've gawked at us for long enough, mind processing our papers and letting us through?" Tsunade asked.

The two gate guards broke out of their trance and began to scramble to get things processed, tripping over themselves in their haste.

'Heh. Maybe it won't be so bad in Konoha after all.' Tsunade thought to herself watching the gate guards tripping over themselves amusedly.


At the Hospital

Narumi sat on a bench with Sasuke, as he waited to hear word about his mother's condition. She had been in the ICU for over a day now, with doctors coming in and out at all hours of the day. Sasuke was getting worried, and Narumi came over to ease his mind and distract him from his worries, even if it was for just a bit, after hearing about him from Ino.

"So how are you keeping up with all the homework? I swear they're giving us extra homework to spite us for missing class or something!" Narumi whined to Sasuke.

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