Genin Days Chapter 21: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 7

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 36: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 7

At the Battlefield

"Naruto-taichou!" Suigetsu and Haku yelled out in relief, when they saw the spikey blonde hair of their captain.

"Naruto... you're finally here..." Mei whispered with a soft smile on her face.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. I got here as soon as I found out we were under attack." Naruto replied.

Yagura got over his surprise and anger, with a smile forming on his face. "So, it seems I was wrong! The Uzumaki mercenary didn't run away! I finally get to meet you, the elusive Phantom of Illusions!"

"Heh, you sure suck at coming up with nicknames, don't you?" Naruto said with a smirk, though nobody could see it, as his face was hidden by his Kiri hunter-nin mask.

He turned around to look at the Rebels behind him. They were all in terrible shape, and barely half of the number of shinobi that were on the island the day before were present now.

Naruto gritted his teeth. Mei's words rang in his mind. If only he had been closer, he could have prevented many of them from dying. He turned back to glare at the army facing him.

"I'll make you guys pay for what you've done." He growled out in an ominous tone.

Yagura smirked. "Oh? Will you now?" he asked sarcastically.

The Loyalist shinobi behind Yagura began to retreat further behind, in order to get as far away from Naruto as possible, and also away from their angry leader, who could be quite destructive when angered.

The Rebels began to do the same. It was clear that a showdown between these 2 juggernauts was imminent, and they did not want to be caught in the crossfire. It was clear their participation would do next to nothing on the outcome of the fight, and they wanted to stay safe. Besides, this was going to be a fight for the ages. They wanted to be able to watch in relative safety.

Only Mei stayed where she stood, before she approached Naruto.


"Mei. I'm sorry I was so late. You were right. I should have done more." Naruto began to say.

However, Mei cut him off. "No. You were right. I know it's not easy watching people you care about get hurt, but you knew it was something we needed for ourselves. It was wrong of me to accuse you of not caring. I shouldn't have said all of those things to you earlier. I'm so sorry."

She stood beside him, intending to help him fight Yagura.

Naruto noticed the terrible state Mei was in, and put a hand on her shoulder. "We both have our roles to play in this war, and right now, I'm the only one who is in the condition to take on Yagura."

"So, you want me to sit back and do nothing, like a damsel in distress waiting for her savior?" Mei asked angrily.

Naruto chuckled. "Of course not. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can beat him by myself either. But what's true is that I have more chakra than you right now, and less beat up. I'll see what he's capable of, and if he's too strong for me to handle alone, I'll try to create an opening for you, and you can strike then. Until then, stand back and let me do the fighting, and try to recover a bit if you can, ok?"

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