Genin Days Chapter 20: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 6

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 35: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 6

At the Rebel HQ

The battle between the Rebels and the Loyalists raged all across the island, with around 4000 Loyalist shinobi arriving on the island to face 2700 Rebels. Compounding to the disadvantage in numbers, the Rebels had been caught off guard, and most of them were drowsy and not fully armed after a night of drunken revelry. There were legends of some fighters that fought better when inebriated. Unfortunately, no such fighter existed amongst the Rebels.

The emergency response teams were almost totally destroyed in the first wave of attacks, and the drunk shinobi were definitely not in the best condition to fight.

However, despite the fact that the rebels were losing ground on the whole, there were still pockets of successful resistance, especially where powerhouses like the Rebel leaders were present.


With Mei

"That should teach you to come here uninvited." Mei stated, as she stood over the smoldering and molten bodies of the Loyalists battalion that had been completely wiped out by the counter attacking Rebels led by her.

"Mei-sama! Our allies on our right require assistance! They look like they might crumble at any minute!" One of her shinobi reported.

"Those who are tired may rest for 10 minutes before joining up with us. The rest of you, follow me." Mei commanded, and she headed towards Zabuza's position.


With Zabuza

"There's no place to run! Fight to the death!" Zabuza ordered the frightened shinobi around him, as he swung his massive sword to dice his enemies into pieces like a human meat-grinder.

He and his band of Rebels were at the center of the camp, where the fight was fiercest. The close proximity to the center also meant they were the ones who felt safest, and in turn, were the drunkest. Zabuza himsself had been heavily drinking, and was not in the best shape.

However, Zabuza was still... Zabuza. The regular Jonin and Chunin Yagura had available after the death of 500 of their most brilliant shinobi were not really a fair match for Zabuza, slightly drunk or not. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the other Rebels with him.

Zabuza stumbled to the right to dodge a blast of water that was aimed to take his head off. "Shit! That was close!" He growled to himself, as he raised his massive sword to block a hail of shuriken and kunai that were thrown at him.

"There's too many of them, Zabuza-sama! We need reinforcements, or we need to retreat!" One Rebel told Zabuza.

Zabuza quickly went through the hand seals necessary to create water clones to give him some breathing room, and to add to their diminishing numbers.

"Oh yeah? And where exactly do you think we can escape to? Our overcrowded ships, which is going to be closely tailed by Yagura's men?" Zabuza sarcastically and angrily responded, as he formed some more hand seals for another jutsu.

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