Genin Days Chapter 4: D-Rank Missions

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 19: D-Rank Missions

At a Café in Downtown Konoha

The 2 kunoichi of Team 7 joined Team 10 at a café they promised to meet at after their team introductions.

"Hey! Hinata-chan! Narumi-chan! Over here!" Ino waved her female friends in Team 7 over. "Where's Sasuke-kun?" She asked, not seeing her crush with his team.

"Hey, Ino!" The redheaded kunoichi yelled as she dragged Hinata over with her. "Sasuke stayed behind to have a chat with our sensei."

"Oh. Guess he'll be coming by a little later?" Ino asked hopefully.

"Yeah, probably. Anyway, how were your team introductions? How's Asuma as a sensei? Is he super strong?" Narumi asked excitedly.

"Surprisingly not troublesome." Shikamaru replied, not bothering to lift his head from the table.

Ino scoffed. "You would say that, wouldn't you, Shikamaru? Asuma sensei? Where did you hear that he was strong? He seems like a lazy bum like Shikamaru over here. And he smells! Ugh! All that smoking! It's bad for my skin to be near him!" She complained dramatically.

"He's nice! And he bought us yakiniku (Japanese BBQ meat)! I'd say he's on my good side already." Chouji commented enthusiastically, as he dug his fork into his 3rd slice of chocolate cake.

"Ano, how was your t-test? Did you have to fight your s-sensei too?" Hinata asked curiously.

"Huh? What test? You fought your sensei? All that lazy bum did was ask us basic things about ourselves like interests, hobbies, dreams, and stuff like that, then he spent the whole time eating bbq and smoking!" Ino complained.

"Huh? Really? We did the whole talk about ourselves intro, but we had to fight our sensei to gauge our skills and all. He said all the senseis have some sort of test to see if they pass." Narumi replied.

"That is a logical way to see what kind of skills we currently possess. Our sensei tested us in a similar manner." Shino commented as he walked into the café.

"Shino!" Narumi greeted her bug-user friend. "How was your sensei? How was your team? Sorry to say, but being with the people in your team seems like my worst nightmare." Narumi gagged just thinking about having Sakura and Kiba on the same team, with Kurenai as a sensei, not that she had anything personal against the woman.

"My team was... interesting. One can hope that it will get better with time. Our sensei however, seems to be a competent sensei. I am interested to see how our team will develop under her guidance." Shino replied as he took a seat at their table.

"Really? But isn't she... you know... a genjutsu specialist? Isn't that kind of lame?" Narumi asked.

"H-how was your team introduction, Shino-kun?" Hinata asked as well.

"It was... interesting. To say the least." Shino replied as he recalled his team's introduction earlier.



"Alright team, this is Training Ground 8. This will be our home ground in a sense. We will meet here in the mornings before missions, and we will mostly be training here, so get comfortable." Kurenai started.

The Jinchuuriki's BrotherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz