Genin Days Chapter 24: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 10

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 39: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 10

Kiri Council Meeting

Mei sat at the head of the table in the council meeting hall, overseeing a council meeting, which was comprised of various shinobi and civilian leaders. It was an even mix of clan heads who were elevated to clan head status for being the closest surviving member of the original clan heads, leading civilians or guild masters who were chosen for their expertise in economic or infrastructural matters, and some of the more capable and non-bloodline-hating shinobi from the Loyalist faction who were there to show that Mei would be showing mercy to those who surrendered.

Ever since Mei had returned from the capital a few days ago, she had quickly gone about implementing changes in policy, especially regarding the leadership of Kiri. She had learned from the Sandaime Mizukage's mistakes in creating a bloodline caste system, and tried her best to have equal representation for both shinobi and civilians.

Though she was not oblivious to the tension between the clan heads from bloodline bearing clans and the pardoned Loyalist shinobi, Mei was still in a good mood from her time in the capital, and the things she gained from it.

She glanced across the table and met eyes with Naruto, who was present as an observer, and he responded by giving her a smile and a nod.

Ao looked over the table, making sure that everyone was present, before he stood up to address the new council of Kiri. "Now that everyone has been accounted for, the council session will now begin."

He gave the floor to Mei, who nodded in appreciation to Ao, who nodded back before sitting down.

"So, I'm sure what you all want to hear about first is about my meeting with the Daimyo, and the direction our village will take in regards to the rebuilding of the village." Mei began, and the council members nodded.

"The Daimyo has agreed to start sending missions our way again, as soon as Kiri is stable enough to send out shinobi for missions, and to give us funding once again." Mei announced, and people let out the breaths they had subconsciously been holding. They were relieved to know the lifeblood of the village had been secured.

"He was also convinced to generously donate money from his own treasury towards the reconstruction efforts of the building to help us get on our feet faster." She continued, brightening the tense atmosphere of the council with her good news.

"This is great news, Mei-sama!" One of the civilian councilors commented. "It is reassuring to know we have the Daimyo's support once more."

"How were you able to convince the Daimyo?" One former Loyalist asked in curiosity. "Previous talks with the Daimyo weren't so fruitful."

Mei smiled as she glanced at Naruto. "Well, we had some help." She mentioned as she gestured towards Naruto.

Many of the council members who were unfamiliar with him looked at him in confusion.

"Umm... and who exactly is he?" Some of the civilians asked.

However, the shinobi who had heard the rumors of his origin were surprised. "Isn't he from Konoha?"

Mei nodded. "He is indeed from Konoha. Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto here was sent here on a secret mission to help us, with the intention of forming an alliance with us."

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