The Chunin Exams Chapter 1: The Chunin Exams Begin

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 42: The Chunin Exams Begin

In Konoha, a few days before the start of the Chunin Exams

"Hey! It's your turn to seek!" Moegi complained when Konohamaru tried to weasel his way out of seeking again in their game of ninja hide-and-go-seek.

"Hey! I need the practice! I almost ruined Narumi nee-chan's mission when I almost got caught! Just one more time! Besides, it'll help you in becoming a better tracker too!" Konohamaru pleaded his case, hoping he could convince his friends.

"How about you? Don't you need to practice tracking as well? And don't we need to practice our stealth too?" Moegi countered.

Konohamaru was not expecting Moegi to use his argument against himself, and was left stuttering, trying to say something back, but not being able to come up with any good reasons.

He was about to just try to whine his way through, when he was distracted by bright pink hair in the distance that stood out from the rest of the population of Konoha.

"Woah. Check that out! Her hair is even more colorful than yours!" Konohamaru told Moegi as he pointed at a young Genin in the distance.

"Huh?" Moegi turned around to see who Konohamaru was pointing at. "Oh. That's just Sakura-san. I don't really know her that well, but she was nice enough when I bumped into her once."

"That's Sakura??" Konohamaru asked in shock. "Hey! That's that annoying girl who bullied our boss in the academy!"

He growled as he punched his palm with his other hand. He suddenly began to storm off towards her.

"Where are you going, Konohamaru?" Udon asked, worried his hot-headed friend would do something stupid.

"I'm gonna teach her a lesson!" he shouted back as he continued to stomp towards the pink-haired kunoichi.

"But what are you gonna do, Konohamaru-kun?" Moegi asked, sharing Udon's concern.

"I'll figure that out once I get to her!" Konohamaru shouted back.

"Should we try to stop him?" Udon asked Moegi as they watched their friend walk off.

Moegi rolled her eyes. "Nah. I don't want to get involved in this. Let's go play catch or something. He'll come back when he's done."

Sakura was going through her shopping list of supplies that Kurenai had suggested she stock up on for the exams, when she was suddenly interrupted by someone rudely shouting at her.

"Hey you! Pinkie!"

She looked around to see who it was that was shouting at her. "Huh? Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah! I'm talking to you! Are you Sakura?" Konohamaru demanded aggressively.

Sakura was thrown off by having a child she had never seen before randomly walking up to her and demanding to know who she was so rudely, but he was a kid, so she decided to try to be nice in her response.

"Yeah. I'm Sakura. What's your name?" She asked with a smile, trying to placate the kid who seemed to be mad at her for no good reason.

Konohamaru ignored her question. "So, you're the annoying girl who bullied our boss!"

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