The Chunin Exams Chapter 9: Preparing for the Tournament

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 50: Preparing for the Tournament

In Sasuke's Infirmary Room

Naruto sat in the chair next to Sasuke's bed as he waited for the medics to move him to the hospital, while Narumi sat by the small table next to it, where she unsealed some food and was having her first meal in a while.

Naruto had a lot to think about, not only considering the dicey security situation of the Chunin Exams and the village as a whole, but also regarding how he needed to help his students get ready for the tournament which would be held in a month's time.



"The preliminary stage of the third stage of the Chunin Exams is now over." Hayate started when the arena had been cleared up and all the contestants were either getting medical attention or listening to him.

"This now leaves us with the final roster of contestants who will be fighting in the tournament, a total of 12 Genin. While I congratulate you all for making it this far, we unfortunately have an awkward number of contestants making it to the last round."

"Ugh... please don't tell me you'll eliminate another 4 people with some sort of post-preliminaries." Shikamaru complained. He really didn't want to go through another hassle like that before he got some time to relax.

"You don't have to worry about any more eliminations for now. The contestants for the tournament are locked in now." Hayate explained.

"What about the awkward number of contestants then?" Narumi asked, asking a question that was on the minds of everyone.

A Chunin assistant brought in a blackboard where Hayate began to draw the tournament brackets.

"As you can see here, this tournament will have to be structured slightly differently from some you might have seen before."

"Wait, some people have to fight more than others?" Narumi asked in surprise at the shape of the tournament brackets.

Hayate nodded. "Indeed. In the first round, 4 contestants will get a bye to the next round."

"How is that fair for the people who have to fight an extra round? What is the selection process for the bye based on anyway?" Temari questioned.

"It's not equal, but this is the best we can do with the number of people we have. We can't have it be a round robin style tournament, because that will take too long." Hayate replied.

"And as for the selection process..."

Hayate reached into a bowl that held folded up papers with the names of the remaining contestants written on them.

"Don't tell me we're gonna have it be random..." Temari complained.

"Despite what you might think, having a bye isn't necessarily an advantage. Sure, you'll have more energy compared to your competition in the 2nd round, but you also won't know who you'll be fighting until the 1st round is over. The others who don't get a bye to the 2nd round will learn here and now who they'll be fighting, and they'll have time to prepare and strategize. Let me remind you that selection for promotion is based on performance and showing, and not necessarily on winning. If we can see in your first fight that you show the skills and mindset befitting a Chunin, then you can be promoted even if you lose in the 2nd round, or maybe even the 1st round."

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