The Chunin Exams Chapter 13: Kusa's Hospitality Part 4

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 54: Kusa's Hospitality Part 4

"How many hours do we have left until the next shift comes in?" A guard asked his partner.

"Bro, we've only been standing guard for a couple hours now." His partner responded.

"Was that my question? Just answer the question instead of giving me sass!" The first guard replied back in annoyance.

The second guard checked the time. "Looks like we still got over 2 hours left. But sheesh. What's with all this attitude?"

"It's just that we weren't even supposed to stand night guard again so soon! We were supposed to have a few days off of night duty! But no, that damn new prisoner just had to go and injure the guards who were supposed to stand guard tonight! And fuck all these bugs!!" the first guard shouted as he tried to swat away the bugs that were flying around him.

"It's always these newbies that don't know the unspoken rules yet. It always takes them a few weeks to be broken in. And learn things like not messing with Hanayama." The second guard responded. "But you're right. Also, is it just me, or are there more bugs than usual? Even for a summer night?"

The second guard was both baffled and increasingly growing concerned. There seemed to be way more bugs than what would seem natural.

"I don't know! Ugh! I hate summer! What the fuck!" The first guard yelled angrily, swiping at what seemed to be a growing number of bugs around him.

By now, it wasn't even like any swarm of bugs that one would often see in the summer. It was a literal cloud of bugs. And it only seemed to be growing denser and denser.

The two guards first tried to swat them away with growing intensity, until they decided to try and run away from the dense cloud of insects.

However, unbeknownst to them, they had been slowly growing weaker and weaker, as their chakra was being sapped away by this particular breed of insects.

"I-I can't even see where we're going!" the first guard yelled as he groped around to get his bearings.

"And... and I'm feeling... so... weak..." The second guard replied before he finally collapsed.

"H-hey! Get up! Wha- what's going on??" The first guard yelled as he felt his legs begin to wobble.

"M-my chakra! It... it feels so weak... a-are we under attac..." the first guard collapsed mid-speech as he joined his partner in unconsciousness.

After a few moments of silence, the cloud of bugs seemed to disappear into the shadows, from where 6 figures emerged.

"Good job, Mantis." A man in a dog mask commented as he stepped out.

The man in the mantis mask simply nodded.

"Genjutsu on cameras, complete, Ka- I mean, Dog-san." Izumi reported as her Sharingan faded back into her normal onyx-colored eyes.

"Coast is clear until the lobby, Taichou." Owl reported as he tied up the unconscious guards.

"Good. Now once we get this door open and get in, we'll be sticking to the shadows and moving in silence. Keep an eye out for any unexpected measures of surveillance or seals." Dog commanded, as Tiger turned his hand into a wooden lockpick and fiddled at the door.

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