Genin Days Chapter 10: Setting the Pieces

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 25: Setting the Pieces

At Training Ground 7

Team 7 gathered to train after having a week off for some long-needed rest, since they were away on a mission for over a month. Naruto knew the life of a shinobi meant being child soldiers essentially, but he wanted them to still have at least some semblances of the "child" part of their lives, unlike him, Itachi, Kakashi, and many others who came before him. He saw what being forced into a life as a soldier did to the minds of people who didn't have an identity apart from their lives as shinobi. It wasn't always so pretty.

He had arrived a little earlier than Narumi, as he had some things he needed to pick up and prepare for the training of his Genin. When he arrived, he found Sasuke already there, training his elemental affinity as he waited for the others to arrive. Naruto smiled. He recognized the hard work Sasuke put into his training. He wasn't a genius on the same scale as Itachi, but that was because Itachi was one of those once-in-a-lifetime prodigies. Sasuke was a prodigy as well, but Naruto thought his greatest trait was his willingness to put in the hard work to sharpen his skills.

"I see you're making good use of your time." Naruto told Sasuke as he made his presence known to the boy, startling him and breaking his concentration.

"Naruto-sensei! I didn't know you were there." Sasuke told Naruto.

"Good to see you concentrating so much on improving yourself, but in our line of work, if you're not aware of your surroundings, that might be your death."

Sasuke nodded to let Naruto know he understood.

"That being said, your control of your lightning affinity has improved dramatically. I think you'll be able light that bulb up with absolute control in a couple of weeks. Pretty impressive! Like I said before, most Chunin might learn elemental jutsu, but don't master their affinities until they're close to becoming Jonin. The way you guys are mastering your elemental affinities as Genin, by Chunin you'll be able to pick up jutsu faster than anyone." Naruto told Sasuke who beamed in pride at the praise.

"And I gotta give it to you Sasuke, your control of your fire affinity is impressive too. The way you were able to string the Hosenka no Jutsu (Phoenix Sage Flower Technique) and Ryuuka no Jutsu (Dragon Flame Technique)? Whoo boy, that was pretty sweet, I gotta say. That was pretty damn effective. I gotta try that out sometime."

That was pretty much the highest praise Sasuke had ever gotten. His idol wanted to use his combination attack? He was practically swooning.

"I can tell you're a prodigy, the way you pick up the details of those jutsu, but I'm more impressed with the hard work I can see you putting in. A lot of prodigious shinobi trust in their inherent talents and fail to put in the effort to really sharpen their skills. I'm proud of you, Sasuke. Keep it up."

Sasuke responded with a big smile to Naruto. Finally, someone understood and recognized the effort he put into his craft, rather than just attributing it all to him being a genius.

However, his smile faded when he remembered what he wanted to talk about with Naruto.

"Thanks sensei. But there's something that's kinda been bothering me."

"What is it, Sasuke?" Naruto asked the Uchiha Genin.

"It's just that, I'm 12 now, and I still haven't unlocked my Sharingan. A lot of other Uchiha unlocked their Sharingan at a much younger age. Is there something I'm not doing right? I try so hard. I've tried focusing chakra to my eyes for hours, and I've tried leaving things to my instincts as I fight, hoping that'll force my eyes to activate, and I've tried pretty much everything else, but they just won't seem to activate. Do you think I'm one of those Uchiha who can't awaken their Sharingan?" Sasuke asked his sensei.

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