Genin Days Chapter 19: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 5

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 34: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 5

On Yagura's Ship

"Yagura-sama!" Jinpachi shouted out in terror as he ran into the room that Yagura was in.

Yagura turned from the window facing the basalt column that Jinpachi was supposed to signal him from, and towards the door where Jinpachi just entered.

"Jinpachi? What are you doing here? How about the ambush? Is it time for me to go and sweep up the survivors?" Yagura questioned, before he took in Jinpachi's shaken look.

"What's with you? You look like hell." Yagura asked.

"Yagura-sama... There's something you should know." Jinpachi began.

Yagura got an ominous feeling crawling up his spine. He had a feel he knew what this was about.

"The ambush didn't go as planned, huh." Yagura guessed.

Jinpachi simply nodded.

"Did the rebels bring more than we expected? Did Ao discover the ambush? Did Mei pull out something big at the last second that killed some of our men? What is it? Spit it out!" Yagura demanded.

"It... I..." Jinpachi struggled to put his thoughts together. "It was the Uzumaki mercenary..."

"Him? What did he do? Did he create a barrier strong enough to hold back our jutsu or something?" Yagura asked, wondering if the Uzumaki survivor knew his clan's powerful barrier techniques.

"Well, the ambush was set up perfectly, and all of our men did exactly as they were supposed to." Jinpachi began.

"Then? What's the problem?" Yagura asked impatiently.

"Everything was going fine, and it looked like the rebellion would end tonight. Then... he came along." Jinpachi shivered as he continued.

"He used some fire jutsu that was stronger than any I've ever seen. He... he evaporated the whole wave... the combined jutsu of over 100 of our strongest Suiton users."

Yagura couldn't believe what he was hearing. Something like that shouldn't be possible. "No... there's no way. That's impossible. You must have seen things wrong." He was in denial.

"No, Yagura-sama. I'm sure of what I saw. Even worse, is the fact that the fire jutsu not only stopped their combined jutsu, but also proceeded to kill all of the Suiton users."

Yagura leapt out of his seat. "ALL OF THEM?! But those were our strongest! How is that possible? How about the swordsmen that were sent with them? Did they counter attack?"

Jinpachi shook his head.

"I... I couldn't really see well because of the steam that resulted from the evaporated water, but when the mist settled down... He had killed them all..."

"What the hell are you talking about? Who killed who? You're telling me that mercenary killed all of our men? Alone?" Yagura was in disbelief.

Jinpachi nodded.

"One man killed 500, and you didn't even see how he did it?" Yagura chastised Jinpachi.

"I'm sorry sir, but there was too much mist and smoke everywhere. I think he might have had help from a summon, but I couldn't see what it was or what it did." Jinpachi replied.

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