The Chunin Exams Chapter 6: Unexpected Help

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 47: Unexpected Help

Sakura was still disoriented from the bandaged Sound nin's attack, but she knew she still had to get out of his grasp if she wanted to have any chance of beating him. They were already outnumbered, and if she wasn't able to keep him occupied, she knew her teammates would be in greater danger, and she didn't want to be the weak link that brought her team down.

When she thought he was distracted, she drew a kunai, and tried to sneakily stab the teen's foot, but he easily raised his leg to dodge her surprise blow and brought it back down to stomp on her wrist, rendering it immobile and disarming her.

"A feisty little bitch, aren't you? Didn't expect to see that with your long, pink hair and all, but I'll admit you have more bite to you than I expected."

Sakura struggled as she fought against his foot to free up her arm while she quickly reached over to draw a kunai with her free arm.

The Sound Genin yanked her head back roughly, nearly snapping her neck, to disrupt her movement. He then smacked her square on the face with an open hand, cutting her lips open, and causing her nose to make her eyes water.

"I said you had more bite that I expected, but that was only because I didn't expect anything from you. You're still a pathetic bitch, so don't try anything funny or I'll slit your throat."

He then turned her head around by her hair to show her how her teammates were faring. Each of them was facing two opponents at a time and had their hands full. It seemed like they were always just one step away from disaster, and barely keeping their heads above the water.

"Your friends seem to be handling themselves surprisingly well despite the numerical handicap. But how well do you think they'll do if that 2 on 1 became a 3 on 1?"

Sakura's eyes began to water as she cursed her weakness. If only she was stronger, her friends wouldn't be in danger. Despite all of the hard work she had put in with Kurenai-sensei, she was still too weak to help her friends.

"What is it that you want from me?" Sakura asked in defeat. "Please, leave us alone. We'll give you our scroll."

The bandaged teen threw his head back in laughter. "You think we care about the stupid scroll? We want that other team that you're protecting back there."

Sakura looked over at the unconscious bodies of Team 7, then looked back at her two teammates who could possibly die in a vain effort to protect Team 7.

"Y-you want us to hand them over? To you?" She asked incredulously. Did he expect her to betray them? Betray her Sasuke-kun?

"Hand them over? Like we need your permission to get them in the first place? Nah. We're going to take them by force. Meanwhile, why don't we watch the show?"

Sakura looked over at her comrades as they continued to go on the backfoot at the onslaught of their enemies, a sight her captor was watching like it was simply a source of entertainment for him. She wished she could help, but without a proper opening, a wrong move could end up with a kunai in her throat.

"Is dodging and running away all you're going to do?" The Kusa Genin fighting Shino shouted out as he swung his whip composed of special thorned vines that grew in Kusa. If only he could get one good hit in, the poison would do the job of paralyzing him.

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