Genin Days Chapter 17: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 3

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 32: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 3

At a Rebel-conquered Outpost in Kiri Territory, around a month after Naruto Joining

"Alright, men, load everything of value. Kunai, scrolls, letters, equipment, money, everything." Ao ordered the rebel shinobi with him.

"Now that was an interesting way to use a shoulder blade, Kimimaro-kun. A+ on creativity." Naruto whistled, impressed.

"Thank you, Naruto-sama. I'm honored to have been brought along for the outpost raid. I've heard much from Haku-san here." The teen replied, as he pulled an axe made from his shoulder blade, out of a dead sentry's skull.

"I gotta admit, I was wrong about how useful seals could be. I can't believe this little piece of paper holds more water than a freakin water tank!" Suigetsu remarked as he formed back from his water state.

Naruto smiled as he looked at the team of teens he had formed to infiltrate the outpost and open up the gates for the main force of rebels. They had a ton of potential. It was scary how skilled they already were. The sensei in him wanted to help them reach their full potential, despite them not being from Konoha.

Haku gently spoke to Naruto from behind. "Umm... Naruto-sama? May I have a word with you in private?"

Naruto wondered what Narumi's friend needed to say to him with privacy. He ordered the two boys on his team to help loot the place. "Sure, Haku-chan. Follow me."

The two headed to a different room that had already been looted, save for the larger furniture, which the rebels didn't need right now.

"So, what's up?" Naruto asked as he sat on the edge of a table.

Haku remained quiet for a few seconds, as she tried to figure out how to phrase what she wanted to ask, before speaking quietly.

"I've been thinking recently, me being unable to fight well in close range has really been holding back what I can do. I'm always left in relative safety to provide support, while others risk their lives to fight. I want to be able to fight alongside my friends, my comrades, and fight alongside Zabuza-sama. I know you're not from Kiri, and you're only here temporarily, but do you think you can train me? Or at least give me some tips or ideas on what I can do? I've asked Zabuza-sama before, but he didn't want me to fight up close, so he didn't help me."

Naruto rubbed his chin as he thought. "Hmmm... close range huh? Let me see what I can think of..." He mumbled to himself as he began to rack his brains for some ideas.

"You're quick, but not very strong. Precision is the name of your game... Maybe a sword? But a katana is way too clunky for you... Nah, forget it. Maybe a tanto? Hmmm... I don't know... you seem to be more of the stabby type, rather than a slasher. It would work well with your precision and knowledge of human anatomy... if we could get some sort of giant stabbing senbo-"

Naruto's eyes suddenly widened. Of course! He had just the thing! He had forgotten about it ever since he picked it up in Amegakure on that mission he went on with Itachi all those years ago.

"I can't believe I forgot about this!" Naruto shouted out in excitement as he pulled his sleeves back and looked over the many storage seals he had on his body, trying to remember which one held the item he was looking for.

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