Genin Days Chapter 6: Mission to Wave Part 1

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 21: Mission to Wave Part 1

At the Hokage's Office

"Wait, you can't be serious! This is my guard detail? A bunch of kids? They don't look like they can protect themselves, let alone me! Look at that girl! She's blind for crying out loud! This is ridiculous! I paid good money for super ninja to protect me!" Tazuna, the elderly bridge builder from Wave, complained to the Hokage. He had expected better protection after scrounging together all the money he could to save his village. He was disappointed.

"Hey! Don't call Hinata a blind girl! She can see 1000 times better than you, you stupid old drunk man!" Narumi snapped back. She wasn't about to let this drunk man get away with disrespecting her friends, especially Hinata, who had a rough life at home.

"What did you say? Stupid old drunk?! It's just drunk old man to you, little tomato looking brat! Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders!?" Tazuna yelled back at Narumi.

Everyone in the room cringed a little when Tazuna brought up Narumi's parents.

"Unfortunately, her parents died when she was born. So no, her parents were in fact, not able to teach her to respect her elders. Instead, I taught her to stand up for herself, and to stand up for her friends. I'd say she's doing a great job at that, wouldn't you?" Naruto told Tazuna with a nonchalant attitude and smile on his face that failed to make anyone feel safe.

The atmosphere in the room became even more awkward.

"Err... ummm... why yes... of course. Doing a ... umm... super job." Tazuna stammered out, barely able to string the gibberish response together. He knew he messed up with that last comment.

Hiruzen decided he had enough fun watching the awkward interaction that made everyone cringe, and broke the tension.

"Alright everyone. That's enough. Tazuna-san, you paid for a C-rank mission, and this team is more than equipped to deal with the kinds of threats you told us we could expect." Tazuna couldn't help but to guiltily gulp at that.

"Now that we are all acquainted with each other, and know what the mission is all about, why don't we all head home and prepare for it?" The Hokage dismissed everyone.

Naruto was grinning as he watched everything. He enjoyed watching people squirm uncomfortably from time to time. "Sounds good Hokage-sama. Alright team, meet me at the gate by 7:30 tomorrow. Pack for a month's trip. You are all dismissed."

Team 7 nodded and left with their sensei. Tazuna couldn't be happier to leave the room as well.

He took a glance at Team 7 as they left. He didn't know why, but he felt like he was in danger when he mentioned the redhead girl's parents.

He didn't understand the concept of killing intent, but he instinctively knew the blonde sensei was dangerous, even though his outward demeanor seemed relaxed. The pale boy had given off a dangerous vibe too. He decided he'd be a little more careful tomorrow.


The Uchiha Clan Head's House

The surviving members of the Clan Head's family were seated around the table for dinner. Izumi had been working with Mikoto on some police work, and was also present, staying for dinner at Mikoto's invitation.

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