01 - Introducing The Devil.

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The night club was filled with loud music, dim lights and wasted, drunken and out-of-their-fucking-minds people. Some didn't even have half the clothes on their bodies that they were wearing when they came in.

But that's normal around here. People were touching, kissing and grinding on basically anyone within their hands reach. Some liked that and others were too intoxicated to even notice.

Things were a little less crowded on the VIP section on the upper floor but one could say that it's even more dangerous or vulgar. Drug deals, prostitution or even nonconsensual sex are few of the things that happens over there and it was considered perfectly normal. Many things are done in those private VIP rooms that will never be made known to the people, except for the ones that are inside.

Jay was sitting on a comfortable sofa in one of those very rooms. A rather elderly man sat in front of him. His assistant -a pretty, young girl- sat next to him while a few other goons stood behind them.

Jay looked up from the glass in his hand and at the man sitting in front of him. They both had matching frowns on their faces. Well, Jay's one was more of a smirk. He's not one to let anyone make him worry about anything.

"You can't do that, Jay. I own more than two thirds of this club. You can't just come and take it." The elderly man spat in a venomous tone but Jay's devil ears picked up the subtle fear in it.

"Mr Lee.." Jay purred with a sweet smile but everyone knew the danger that was lurking behind that voice. "That's exactly why I have this proposition for you."

Jay pushed the file that was on the table towards the man. "Let me take care of the club for you and you can take fifteen percent from the profit. You don't even have to move a finger. And I'm sure the price I'm offering is pretty reasonable too. Just sit back and enjoy your time with this little slut."

Mr Lee growled while the girl sitting next to him, visibly tensed. Jay of course didn't give a shit about either of their reactions as he kept his psychotic smile on his face and tapped the file again.

"I'm not gonna fall for your threats, Jay. No amount of money will make me sell my club to you. Get the fuck out of here." Mr Lee said angrily but Jay only laughed at that.

"You know-" Jay raised his hand a bit and beckoned to someone behind him. "-I was hoping you would say that."

Mr Lee gave him a confused look but soon it turned into a shocked one when the door opened and a girl was dragged inside by two men. About 5 more people followed them too. Mr Lee shot up from his seat and glared at Jay.

"WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Mr Lee yelled as he walked toward the girl. "Why the fuck is my daughter here?!"

The girl did not look as if she was fully conscious or even aware of what's happening around her. She would have fallen to the floor if not for the strong arms that were holding her from both sides.

Mr Lee tried to walk towards her but he was soon stopped by another man. He turned again to look at Jay, who was just sitting, looking like he's bored with whatever that's happening.

"Jay, you bastard!! What did you do to my daughter?!"

"Nothing," Jay shrugged. "Yet. And nothing will happen to her if you agree to my proposal."

Mr Lee looked as if the man and slapped him. He opened his mouth in rage but no words came out from it. After a few seconds taking turns to look at his daughter and the monster sitting in the room, Mr Lee walked back to the sofa and sat down.

He pulled the papers towards him and signed the multiple places that required his signature to transfer the ownership of this club to Jay. He picked up the papers after he was done signing and threw it at Jay's face.

"There!! I hope you rot in hell." Mr Lee spat in pure hatred and got up from his seat, pulling his assistant from her hand.

They both took a few steps towards the other girl but soon stopped by the sound of Jay's laughter. The man looked utterly crazy. The whole room held their breath for about a minute, till Jay was done laughing. He finally turned to look at Mr Lee with a look that could only be described as of a mad man.

"Countless girls gets sold or raped here, every night, but your own daughter's life was more valuable to you than this club itself. Aren't you being a hypocrite right now, Mr Lee?" Jay asked in a soft voice as his eyes still glinted with that mad shine.

He gave a little nod from his head and two men pulled Mr Lee and made him sit on a chair again. A gun was pointed at his head the next second, making the man widen his eyes in fear.

"Relax, Mr Lee. And enjoy the show." Jay said with a menacing laugh as he gave another nod to his men.
Both girls were thrown onto the floor and about 8 men hovered around them. One of the girls was screaming till she was hit on the face while the other one was drugged too badly to even protest what was happening to her.

Soon all their clothes were ripped as the group of men forced themselves on the two helpless girls. They took turns to have their way with them and when they all were finally done, the two girls were nothing but battered bodies that were barely breathing.
Mr Lee had struggled against his captors when this all started so he had been duct taped to the chair with his mouth sealed. He watched helplessly as his own daughter and his assistant got molested in the worst way possible.

And Jay, didn't take his eyes off for even a single second as he watched his demons do despicable things to two helpless girls at his order. He never lost that mad smile on his face either.

Once everything was done, he picked up the papers that were scattered on the table, gave a little wink to Mr Lee and walked out of the room. And before the door closed, he could hear three gunshots, making him grin happily, stretching his lips from ear to ear.
A handsome man was sitting on the sidewalk near the club. A group of about 5 men were standing near him. They were all waiting. Waiting for a sign to start.

Right on cue, one of the men's phone rang and he quickly answered it. It must have been the sign they were waiting for as he gave a nod and they all started to hit the man sitting on the sidewalk. The man tried to fight them too but he seemed quite drunk and seriously outnumbered.

They were hitting every part of the man they could and the latter was desperately trying to defend himself. But it sure looked like a losing battle and pretty soon,  the man collapsed to the ground.
Jay was looking at the papers in his hand with a smug face as his vehicle pulled out from the parking lot. He has so many plans for this club and couldn't wait to start. Jay looked outside his window, softly smiling to himself. That little show with those two girls aroused him so badly that he couldn't wait to go home and have some fun with his own toy.

They had just pulled on to the road when Jay saw a group of men hitting and punching another man. He saw the man falling to the ground just as their vehicle passed that spot.

Guided by a sudden thought, Jay pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

"Kai, did you see that fight?.... get that gentleman into your vehicle."

He didn't wait for a response from the other end and cut the line. Not that he needed to hear that, it's not like his men will not do something when he tells them to.

Jay didn't know what compelled him to say such a thing but something about the beaten up man piped his interest. He didn't even see the man properly but he was sure he could find some use for him.

After all, there are no such things as too many punching bags or play toys.

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