Best Friend - K.MJ x Reader

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You and Minji have been best friends since diapers. You went to every school together and did everything together until one day.... A girl caught your attention.

"Annoyhaseyo! I'm Kazuha," The girl introduced herself to the class.

Kazuha bowed then took her seat.

You had visibly fallen for her at first sight.

"Staring much?" Minji sassed you.

"What? She's cute!" You replied to her.

Minji just scoffed and continued on to pay attention to the teacher.

- Y/N POV -

"At least crushing on her will help me get over you," I told Minji in my head.

I doodled on my paper for the rest of the class, not bothering to pay attention.

As soon as class was over and I walked over to the new kid and asked her out. Luckily, she said yes.

"She's been here for less than a day and you're already hitting on her. You couldn't have waited till she at least learned her way around the school?" Minji asked, sounding mad.

"What? I had to get my shot in before anyone else could, besides winter formal is on Saturday and I'm gonna need a date," I told her.

"You could have asked me," She said rolling her eyes.

"Please, half the school had already asked you" I replied, rolling my eyes back.

"Anyway, I better get home and get ready for my date!" I yelled at her as I went ahead to go home.

I went out on my date with Kazuha and learned a lot about her.

She was a ballerina for years. She speaks 3 languages. She likes to be a little mischievous from time to time and she agreed to be my date to the dance.

We ended the night with a kiss. I hadn't been kissed in a over two years, since I kiss this one random girl because I learned that Minji had already had her first kiss.

The week went by fast. Me and Kazuha spent a lot of time together with Minji complaining all week about how she was tired of third wheeling.

"It's Friday morning. It's not even 9am yet and you two are already swallowing each other's tongues," Minji said with a disgusted look on her face.

"I'll see you later," I told Kazuha as Minji dragged me to class.

"Bye, baby!" She yelled back.

"Why do you like her so much? She doesn't even seem your type," Minji said, trying to annoy me again.

"You're just jealous you don't have someone to make out with at 8am in the morning," I teased her.

She punched my arm and walked ahead of me.

"Ouch! Minji!" I yelled, holding my arm as I tried to catch up with her.

During class Minji decided to sit next to her winter formal date, Sunghoon.

I was a little jealous but the thought of Kazuha helped a bit.

After class, Kazua came over to me and seemed a little sick.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" I asked her as she coughed uncontrollably.

"I don't feel so good," She replied.

I put my hand up to her forehead and she was burning up.

"Okay, let's get you to the infirmary" I told her and walked her over to the nurse.

The next morning Kazuha woke up worse than before. It bummed me out because I was planning to make it official with Kazuha at the dance.

I had texted Minji that I wouldn't be going to the dance and next thing I knew she was at my front door.

"You are not leaving me alone at the dance!" She yelled as soon as I opened the door.

"What are you talking about? You'll be with Sunghoon," I replied, taking a step out the door and closing it behind me.

"I said yes to go to the dance with him 'cus you know better than anyone that he'll probably leave me alone and go dance with his friends instead of annoying me," Minji replied, crossing her arms.

"So you chose him because he's most likely to ditch you at the dance?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I was hoping I'd get to dance with you," She told me, making my heart flutter.

"I'm not going. End of discussion, Minji!" I responded knowing her words meant nothing special.

- Minji POV -

Me and Sunghoon were on our way to the dance.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as I spaced out the window of the limo.

"Yes," I lied, knowing I was bummed out that y/n wasn't going to come to the dance.

I was hoping to finally make a move on y/n during the dance.

I've been in love with y/n since we were little.... but they're too stupid to notice.

No matter how many hints I drop, it's like y/n is freaking blind or something.

Before I knew it, the dance had started and Sunghoon had already ditched me for his boys.

I sat on the edge of a chair just watching as everyone had fun.

"I wish you were here," I sighed to myself as I thought of y/n.

Suddenly, someone stepped in front of me and said "I am."

I looked up to find y/n-ah dressed in their best suit.

"Can I have this dance?" Y/n-ah asked extending their hand out.

I took their hand and we walked over to the dance floor.

I wrapped my arms around y/n-ah's neck and they held my waist, pulling me closer.

My heart was racing like crazy. I looked at y/n's lips wanting to make my move but opted into asking something instead, "Why are you here?"

"I couldn't stand the thought of my best friend crying at the dance because her date ditched her," Y/n responded.

I giggled at their answer and replied, "I wasn't crying."

"But you were about to," They tease.

"No, I wasn't!" I laughed.

Suddenly, we both froze... staring into each other's eyes.

"Minji, I-" Y/n-ah was about to speak when I just went for it and pressed my lips against theirs.

To my surprise, y/n kissed back. Pulling me even closer and deeping the kiss.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I could feel my cheeks warming up.

"Minji, I love you" Y/n randomly said, making my heart completely stop.

I took a step back and just looked at them.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Y/n-ah said I took too long to respond.

"No, oh my god. No. I love you too. I've been in love with you we since we were eight!" I finally responded giving then a hug.

"Oh, thank god!" Y/n exclaimed, hugging me back even tighter.

"I've got you beat though. I've been in love with you for 12 years," Y/n teased.

I pulled away and playfully hit them again, but before I could, y/n grabbed my arm and pulled me in for another kiss.








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