Love is a Promise - K. MJ x Reader

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Minji has been hurt way too many times and now she's scared to let in the one person that's been able to start loving in a really long time.

For a long time now, Minji has been trying to avoid any romance or any feelings of love or admiration. She's scared that people will find out just how messed up she really is.... but that all started to change when she unconsciously stared to fall for someone she never expected to.

- Minji POV -

I walked into work one day and notice we had new translator.

A foreigner.

I was never one to really care about the origins of a person, but I did care about their manners and knowledge of our country.

I like to respect my elders and tradition, so I would like the staff I work with to do the same.

"Hi, I'm Kim Minji" I introduced myself.

"Y/n," The translator introduced themselves without a surname.

That was the first red flag I noticed. If you come to South Korea for work, at least know basic manners.

As time went by, I noticed other things.

Always interrupting elders, refusing to translate certain things, and never actually spending anytime teaching me any languages.

But somehow, my heart ended up falling for this rude person.

We were at an international fansign, when I noticed y/n-ssi was being very selective about what they were translating to us.

after the fansign, I pulled y/n-ssi to the side.

"Why don't you ever do your job properly?" I asked, having had enough.

"I do enough," Y/n coldly answered me.

"There was so many questions and things the fans were saying that you didn't even bother to translate!" I began to raise my voice.

"Look kid," Y/n-ssi sighed out.

"Kid?" I thought to myself.

I won't deny that hearing y/n call me that made me feel a bit unease. It was hard to think that they just saw me as some kid.

"Not everything that is said needs to be heard," Y/n-ssi said to me.

"What does that mean?" I asked in annoyance.

Y/n-ssi always gave me the most complicated and annoying answers for everything.

Y/n just sighed again and turned to walk away. So, I grabbed their wrist before they could get away from me this time.

"I asked, what does that mean?" I asked again in anger.

Y/n-ssi snatched their wrist away from me and said.... "It means that not everything that is said is nice. Would you like me to translate all of it?"

"Yeah, how about I do that! Since you want me to do my job correctly. Why don't I just do that," Y/n-ssi said in a condescending tone.

"Minji oppa, you look so sexy in that top. Where did you get it?"

"Hyein-ei, let me be your daddy!"

"Haerin-ah, why do keep gaining weight?"

"Hanni, are you dating A$AP Rocky?"

"Dani, move! you're ruining my shot of Minji!"

I sighed when I realized that y/n was right.... not everything that is said needs to be heard.

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