Cold Pt. II - M. DN x Reader

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Danielle and Y/N had been engaged for 6 months now. Their graduation was in a week with their wedding being the week after that.

Even though they had gotten closer, Danielle hadn't succeeded in making Y/N fall for her... meanwhile she was head over heels.

Y/N was the chivalrous and played the role of a fiancé well but only when in public or being watched.

- Dani POV -

"Okay, how about our cake? What flavor to you like it?" I asked Y/N while we sat in the university's dinning hall.

"Ms. Marsh, can't we just let our parents arrange all this stuff? I mean is this really necessary?" Y/N asked in turn.

"No, this is our wedding. I want it to be our way not some generic arrange marriage pre-package" I responded.

"Also Y/N, I've told you. You can call me Dani or Danielle if that makes you feel more comfortable," I added getting annoyed.

"Fine, Dani. I don't care. You plan the wedding however you want.... I'll make sure to show up," Y/N said coldly then grabbed their things and left.

Y/N had been acting weird lately, more moody than usual.

I just ignored it and continued on to the plan the wedding. I had 24 hours to submit all our requests in.

It was stressful to think we were about to get married.

We had picked out our future home, my dress and their suit, planned the wedding, signed our prenups, and all that was left was just to graduate and get married.

Our fathers' were the most pleased with the marriage. They had already drafted up their business contracts, all they were waiting for was our wedding.

"Guess, it's time for class," I whispered to myself and went down to my class.

After class ended, I rushed down to my car to catch Y/N.

"Hey, do you want room hangout?" I asked.

"No," Y/N coldly answered.

"Okay, what's the matter with you lately?" I asked finally having enough of their behavior.

"I just want to be alone. Everything right now is too overwhelming. Everyone should just be happy I'm ever going through with this!" Y/N angrily said then got in their car to drive off.

I gave Y/N the space they wanted for the rest of the week.

During the graduation ceremony, We both hugged and kissed for the public. It was a bitter sweet feeling to kiss in public. I always enjoyed it even though I knew Y/N could probably care less.

After the ceremony we were forced to go on a date.... unlike other dates we've had in the last 6 months this one was just like our first.

Y/N didn't talk the entire time and Y/N kept being rude.

Y/N was driving me back home when I finally got the courage to ask again.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Why are you being like this?" I asked.

I didn't get an answer.

My father was waiting for us at the gate when we arrived.

Y/N got their actors cap on, parked in front of my house, then got out to go around the car and open my door.

"How was your date?" Father asked us.

"It was good," Y/N answered.

"Dad, can you give us a minute?" I asked father. He nodded and then walked back into the house.

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