Hurt Pt. II - K. HR x Reader

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Haerin was confused and upset about what had just happened with Y/n.

She walks back to look for one of her best friends, Danielle, and explained to her what had just happened.

Haerin didn't seems to know or understand how she felt.

- Haerin POV -

"Why are you so in denial? You obviously like Y/n," Danielle asked me after I told her what happened with Y/n.

"Face it, the only reason you said yes to me about going to the dance is because you're mad about how many people have asked Y/n-ah!" Dani said trying to tease me.

"Dani unnie, don't be ridiculous. I just let Y/n off the hook.... they've been extremely attentive and sweet. Y/n-ah probably needs a day off from hauling my weird self around," I answered her not amused by her teasing.

"Maybe you should take Y/n's advice and show them you like them.... instead sitting here complaining about they're going to the dance with a different girl," Dani replied.

I rolled my eyes at her and we made our way to class.

"Did you guys hear? Y/n is finally getting over Haerin!" Hanni unnie said as we walked into our class.

"Heard Y/n asked someone out to the dance," Hyein-ei added

"Guess, your loyal dog has found themselves a new owner" Minji unnie teased.

"Why does everyone seemed to think I care?" I asked myself in annoyance.

"Please, Y/n has the right to do whatever they want. It's not like we're dating," I said rolling my eyes.

"Says the girl that just complained to me about Y/n-ah going to the dance with a different girl" Dani unnie fired back.

"I don't like Y/n!" I exclaimed a bit too loud.

"I already know that," Y/n said coldly, coming out of nowhere.

"Dammit, no. That's not what I meant!" I thought to myself.

"No that's not, I- I - I" I tried to explain myself.

"It's cool," Y/n said taking their seat.

"By the way, I'm going to the mall after school to find a suit..... so you'll have to find another ride," Y/n sternly added.

"Why are you being like this?" I thought to myself getting annoyed by the attitude.

Class started and it went by fast. I had spent most of my time distracted by my own thoughts.

After class ended, I tried to catch up to Y/n to ask about why they seemed to be mad at me.

"Y/n!" I yelled down the hall.

Y/n-ah turned around to face me and angrily asked, "What?"

I walked up closer to talk, but Y/n-ah back away a bit.

"What's up with you today? Why are you being so hostile?" I asked straightforwardly, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"What's up with me?" Y/n-ah asked with an attitude.

"You wanna know what's up with me?" Y/n-ah asked getting in my face.

"I spent the whole month trying to show you that I like you and I would do anything for you.... but I'm just a freaking joke to you," Y/n started to raise their voice.

"Then you have the audacity to act like a jealous girlfriend. Like me asking another girl to the dance  while you already have a date, means I no longer like you," Y/n continued to speak a bit frustrated.

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