First Snow - K. MJ x Reader

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You'd think Newjeans would have been better debuting as a 5 member group but to everyone's surprise Y/n ended up debuting as the 6th member of Newjeans.

Y/n had the shortest training out of all of them. She only trained for 4 months before debut, Which made the girls a bit impressed.

It was no secret that all the girls admired Y/n.... it would even be taken the wrong way by fans and other idols but it was all just a friendly and professional admiration.

Until one day, Y/n caught the wrong idea.

- Minji POV -

"Unnie, aren't you cold?" I asked Y/n unnie who only seemed to be wearing shorts and a t-shirt out in the rain.

"I'm fine," Unnie answered me.

Unnie was a bit odd.

For a foreigner she knew how to blend in with the Korean culture but when it was just us.... It was like her and Haerin were fighting for the 'weirdest member' title.

I was concerned that she didn't even like wearing a sweater. Even on rainy days like today.

"Unnie, here!" I said taking off my coat and placing it around her shoulders. I was wearing a hoodie under, so I didn't mind.

"Thank you, Minji. Always the best leader" Unnie responded putting my jacket on.

"Smile," I whispered in unnies ear making half a heart for her to complete for the cameras.

Unnie did as she was told and completed my heart before we headed inside to film our Christmas special.

"Here, thank you but i'm not cold" Unnie said handing me my coat back.

"The press is gonna eat up that gesture. It was hella cute," Hanni said from behind us.

"It wasn't for the cameras. Unnie just concerns me when she refuses to wear a coat," I answered her.

While waited for filming to start, Unnie was eating ice cream.

"Why are you eating something cold on a cold day? You're gonna get sick," I told Y/n unnie being annoyed that she never cared about her health.

"Here, unnie have some hot choco instead and put on the jacket" I said tossing unnie my jacket then getting up to make her a hot chocolate.

"Minji, I don't want hot choco!" Unnie whined at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and just drank the hot choco myself.

We went on to film then went back home.

Y/n unnie was sneezing the whole ride back.

"Unnie, I told you!" I scolded Y/n unnie.

Once we got home, I got into the kitchen and made us all soup. It's what's best for this kind of weather.

Meanwhile, Y/n unnie went to go lay down on her bed.

After I made the soup, I went to go check on Unnie... but she had fallen asleep.

I served up some soup and a warm tea for unnie then brought it to our shared room.

To my surprise, she had woken up and gotten up.

"Hey, sorry. You were asleep earlier so I brought your dinner in bed" I told Y/n while holding a tray with her food.

"You hate food in the rooms," Unnie responded a bit confused.

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