Hickey - P. HN x Reader

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Hanni and Y/n have been friends for years.

Y/n loves to pull pranks on Hanni and even tho Hanni gets really mad at times.... she secretly loves being pranked by y/n.

It's not because the pranks are funny or thoughtful, but because she loves that y/n spends all this time thinking of her for her pranks.

- Y/N POV -

"What's the on your neck?!" Hanni yelled in the middle of the hallway. She was so loud that everyone in the vicinity turned to look at us.

I smirked and smuggly said, "It's a hickey. FROM My GiRlFrIeND."

Since both our last relationships, Hanni and I had promised to not date again without the other person approving our partner.

We were both notoriously horrible at dating. So now, we both had to get the other's permission to make sure we weren't dating some jerk.

"YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND?!" Hanni yelled again.

"OMG, Don't tell me it's Wonyoung or Yeonjun. OMG YOU'RE SO STUPID!" Hanni yelled.

"Yes, because Yeonjun counts as a girl!" I responded as I playfully rolled my eyes.

Hanni then licked her thumb and rubbed it all over my neck. She rubbed so hard that I swear she was making the fake hickey worse.

"I can't fucking believe you!" Hanni scoffed then smacked my neck and walked away.

I closed my locker and followed after her.

"I'm sorry. It sort of just happened! We were kissing and then things heated up and-" I tried to 'explain' myself.

"You kissed?!" Hanni asked in anger.

'Oops' I thought to myself as I realized she was actually angry.

Secretly, I loved Hanni and I would never date anyone who wasn't her again.

I always spent time thinking of the perfect pranks. It was fun to spend all this time watching her crazy reactions and it was even better that she spent a lot of time trying to get me back for each prank.

"You know what," Hanni said stopping in her tracks.

"If you don't care about me at all, then have fun getting hickeys everywhere on your body. I hope one of them turns into a blood clot and you die!" Hanni angrily said to me then walked away.

'Oh crap!' I thought to myself as I watched her walk away.

I knew I had fucked up when Hanni said something along the lines of 'I hope you die!'

'Dammit! Now I have to find a way to fix this,' I whispered to myself.

Secretly, I had promised Hanni I wouldn't date without her permission..... because I wanted to see I she'd get jealous when I did start dating again. I wanted to see if she liked me too.... but with the way she just reacted.... I don't even know if she does like me or if I'm just an idiot and don't know how to be a best friend.

- Hanni POV -

'Idiot, why the hell would you get a hickey from someone that isn't me!?' I scoffed to myself.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" Minji asked.

I realized I had already gotten to class and sat on my seat.

"Is this about y/n again?" Dani asked from the seat behind me.

"No," I shortly replied.

Minji and Dani exchanged a look then smirked at each other.

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