Wait - K. MJ x Reader

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"Oww!" Y/n tripped over the window ledge.

This would be the last time that Y/n would ever sneak in threw Minji's window. It was Minji's last day in town.

Minji was moving schools halfway through her high school years.

It was a sad thing, but Y/n wasn't going to let that change anything between them.

"Oh my god!" Minji laughed as she walked over to help Y/n off the floor.

"H-Hi!" Y/n nervously stood up.

See, Y/n had something very important to tell Minji. Something that Y/n was hoping could bond them together even if they were apart.

"Hi, did you come to help me pack?" Minji teased.

"Is that what I'm doing?" Y/n was a bit thrown off, but they do anything for Minji if she asked.

"Haha, no. I'm all done!" Minji playfully pushed Y/n.

"Okay," Y/n was acting kind of awkward.

"So, what's up? Trying to say goodbye before everyone else?" Minji plopped down on the edge of her bed.

"Well, actually...," Y/n cleared their throat.

"I was hoping that the distance between us could make us grow closer. You know... I- I- I really like you-"

"Y/n, we can't be friends," Minji didn't even let Y/n finish what they were saying.

"Not while I'm gone. It's not something I can bear," She added.

"I know you said that- But, I think we have a special bond- We can overcome any-," Y/n couldn't get any complete thought out.

"I said no! We already agreed. Don't make it harder than it needs to be," Minji wasn't trying to hurt Y/n feelings, she was just being a realist.

Having long-distance friends was hard and knowing that Y/n could grow to become best friends with someone else was something Minji wasn't willing to take a chance on.

"Okay," Y/n sighed.

"I hope you have fun at your new school and make lots of new friends," Y/n gave Minji a quick hug before walking over to the window.

"Wait-," Minji exhaled out.

"Yeah?" Y/n quickly turned around.

"Promise you'll block my number? We promised. Remember?" Minji disillusioned Y/n's heart again.

"Yeah," Y/n pulled out their phone and blocked Minji on the spot.

It broke Minji's heart to see Y/n do that, but it was for the best.

"Guess this is goodbye then," Minji awkwardly chuckled... not knowing how to properly end things...

"Goodbye," Y/n gave her a sad smile and then made their way out the window.

The next day, Minji's family car was all packed and ready to go. The movers were putting the final pieces of furniture in their truck and everyone was loading into the car.

Minji felt more emotional than she thought she would. The more hours it took to load up all their things into the cars and trucks, the more her heart hurt.

Minji thought that it would only take the morning, but the further the day went on... she realized they weren't going to leave until the end of the school day...

Minji didn't want to run into any of her old friends or classmates during the moving process. She didn't want unnecessary goodbyes and false promises.

"Ready?" Minji's father asked as the family loaded up into the car.

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